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Lets get started~~~☆



"I can't belive how dumb that midget is?! Like who the fuck gets their house robbed in broad daylight !? Why the fuck hasn't he called the police yet!?....." , Yoongi kept shouting as he and namjoon made their way towards Jimin's house .

The grumpy cat was in no mood for this , he was gooing to hibernate the whole day . To be honest , he had totally forgotten it was his birthday . Dumb cat .

"Yeah , we should go quicker . Taehyung , Jin and Jungkook are already there .", Namjoon said playing along . It waz quite easy to convince yoongi , he didn't suspect a thing .

As they reached jimins house , yoongi burst in , almost breaking the door . Jimin wanted to shout at him for this but jin quickly covered his mouth .

They were hiding behind the couch , all the lights were off . "WHERE IS EVERYONE ?! JIMIN ! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU ?! IS THE ROBBER STILL THERE ?! I HAD TO WASTE MY SLEEP FOR THIS SO YOU BETTER COME OUT ! ", yoongi shouted . Poor namjoon had to cover his ears.

Lights suddenly go on and Yoongi looks around, his friends singing him happy birthday. The house is fully decorated and jimin is holding beautiful cake and others are holding lots of balloons.

His favorite pillows are scattered around, adding a cozy touch to the celebration. Yoongi's face lights up with surprise and joy as he realizes the effort his friends put into making his birthday special.

Yoongi isn't the one to let his emotions show; he rarely gets emotional. But the surprise birthday party from his friends makes him all soft and a little teary; he tries to hide it behind a nonchalant facade.

Despite his efforts to maintain composure, the genuine gesture of love and care from his friends tugs at his heartstrings and brings a rare display of vulnerability to the surface.

As he looks around at the decorations, hears the heartfelt wishes, and feels the warmth of their presence, Yoongi's tough exterior melts away, revealing a softer, more sentimental side that few have the privilege to witness.

" Wow.....thank you....um...i...i..i am ," yoongi gulps , he feels he might tear up if he speaks ," its really great....thanks " . He mutters all this quickly , a red hue on his cheeks . All his friends say an 'aww' and give him heartfelt wishes .

Jungkook feels very happy seeing the happines on yoongi's face , its such a cheerful atmoshere .

They cut the cake and yoongi feeds all of them a bite after everyones insistance.

( I'm feeling so soft imagining this 😭🤧♡)

" How did you get him here without any suspicion ?", jin asks as they all sit down on the couch and large bean bags after the yummy meal . " That was easy , this grumpy cat didn't suspect a thing ", namjoon shrugs . Yoongi grumbles at this and snuggles more into his large cat pillow . It was his gift from them .

Jungkook giggles at the scene . He suddenly feels some eyes on him . He turns to see taehyung looking at him......fondly?

Taehyung quickly looks away when he is caught . A small blush forms on jungkook's cheeks .He looks down , internally screaming like a high school girl who got noticed by her crush .

"Let's play something !", jimin suggests , with a strange grin on his face . " Umm...anything but truth and dare ", namjoon says rollings his eyes .

"Why not ? I want to play it to " , taehyung chimes in . Jungkook and jin also agree to play , while yoongi just snores . When jimin asks him , he just gives a tiny thunbs up . Namjoon sighs and agrees too .

"Ohhh...this is gonna be fun ", jimin says with a smirk , eyeing his friends .


Sorry for the small chapter , but I'm quite busy rn . I'll surely make a longer one next time .

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Adios ! ☆

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