Chapter 22 - Seeds

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With a week stretching before me, I knew I had to act fast. My mind raced, formulating a plan to manipulate the brothers against each other – my only chance at escaping this nightmare. Leonard, the most normal and stable of them all, would be my target.

The opportunity presented itself during one of our scheduled "bonding" sessions. We sat in tense silence, brushes in hand, attempting to capture the beauty of the garden on canvas. As I mixed colors on my palette, I carefully chose my words, planting seeds of doubt that would hopefully blossom into distrust.

"You know," I began, keeping my tone casual, "I overheard something rather disturbing the other day."

Leonard's brow furrowed, but he remained focused on his painting. "Oh?"

I nodded solemnly. "It was your father. He was talking about you."

That caught his attention. Leonard's hand stilled, his eyes flickering towards me with a guarded expression. "What did he say?"

Lowering my voice, I leaned in conspiratorially. "He mentioned that he almost killed you once."

Leonard's grip tightened on his brush, knuckles turning white. "What?"

"Yes," I continued, feigning concern. "Apparently, it was because you were spending too much time around me. He seemed quite upset about it."

A muscle twitched in Leonard's jaw as he processed my words. Anger simmered behind his eyes, barely contained.

"That's preposterous," he scoffed, but his voice wavered ever so slightly.

I shrugged, playing the role of the innocent bystander. "I'm just telling you what I heard. Perhaps you should confront him about it."

Leonard's nostrils flared, and he abruptly stood, his painting forgotten. Without another word, he swiftly left the room, his footsteps echoing down the hallway.

A small smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. The seed had been planted. Now, I could only wait and watch as the cracks in their fragile family dynamic began to show.

Over the next few days, I observed the subtle shifts in their interactions. Leonard grew increasingly distant and sullen, his gaze often lingering on his father with a mixture of resentment and suspicion. The tension was palpable, a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

I knew I had to tread carefully, stoking the flames of discord without raising too much suspicion. During our next session, I broached the subject again, this time with a touch of concern.

"Leonard, is everything alright?" I asked, studying his furrowed brow and clenched jaw. "You seem... troubled."

He remained silent for a moment, his brush strokes growing more aggressive on the canvas. Finally, he spoke, his voice laced with barely contained fury.

"My father is a liar and a hypocrite," he spat. "He claims to value family, yet he nearly took my life because of his obsession with you."

I feigned surprise, widening my eyes innocently. "Surely, there must be some misunderstanding."

Leonard slammed his palette down, splattering paint across the floor. "There is no misunderstanding! He admitted it himself when I confronted him."


The seed had taken root, and the cracks were beginning to show.

"I'm so sorry, Leonard," I murmured, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his arm. "That must be incredibly difficult to process."

He flinched at my touch, his eyes burning with a mixture of rage and anguish. Without another word, he stormed out, leaving me alone with the scattered remnants of our painting session.

A slow, satisfied smile spread across my face. The plan was working. With each carefully planted seed of doubt, I was driving a wedge between the brothers, exploiting their fragile bonds and deep-seated insecurities.

It was only a matter of time before the entire family imploded, giving me the opportunity I needed to escape this twisted nightmare once and for all.



fun fact - I write at night because I feel like I get better ideas and then edit in day, 

also I just realized a mistake I'll redo when I have the time, but they left the room when their father came in that's why he didn't hear what his father said, he only heard Y/N smack the shit outta  they father and came in to take her back to the room

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