Chapter 17 - Look it up

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(Jasmine POV)

I paced restlessly in my room, my eyes flicking to my phone intermittently. What am I going to do? These people wield immense wealth and influence. I knew there was more to this situation, but I couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom.

Y/N is in serious trouble, and I need to figure out a plan, fast.

Taking a deep breath, I made a conscious effort to clear my mind. I scrutinized the name on my phone screen more closely:


With determination, I grabbed my bag and keys, heading out towards the nearest library. Stepping inside, I navigated through the paperwork and secured a library card, wasting no time in diving into my search for Scarlet.

But then, a spark of inspiration struck me. What if I broadened my investigation to include the Windsor family? I delved into every piece of information I could find, scouring articles and news reports. Suddenly, I stumbled upon a headline:

"Fatal Accident Involving Local Woman Leaves Family Devastated." My heart raced as I delved into the article, desperate for any clue.

Yet, my search seemed fruitless at first. Warren Windsor's philanthropic endeavors, the family's business ventures—none of it seemed relevant. And then, like uncovering a buried treasure, I found it:

"Warren Windsor and His Alleged Affection for a Young Woman."

My eyes widened in disbelief as I absorbed the contents of the article.

It was buried in a small subsection of a newspaper, easily overlooked by most. But there it was, a rumor swirling around Warren's apparent infatuation with Scarlet. 

Rumors suggested his jealousy knew no bounds, to the point where he jeopardized his own public image over her. The pieces of the puzzle were beginning to come together, shedding light on the dark truth lurking beneath the surface.

"Wow," I murmured to myself as I scrutinized the name "Larra Mani" on my screen. With a sense of urgency, I began to search for her, relieved to discover that she resided in the local nursing home, making it relatively easy for me to visit. I wasted no time and made my way there.

Entering the facility, I approached the front desk where the nurse glanced up at me. "Hi, how may I help you?" she inquired politely.

"I'm here to see Larra Mani," I replied, my voice tinged with determination.

"Oh yeah, she's down that hall and to the right," the nurse directed, a hint of concern evident in her tone. It was unsettling how easily I was granted access.

Following her instructions, I navigated through the corridors until I spotted an elderly woman seated in a chair. As she noticed me, she preemptively snapped, "If you're here for donations, go away!"

"No, no, ma'am, I'm here to ask you some questions," I reassured her, trying to maintain a calm demeanor.

"About what?" she demanded, her gaze sharp with suspicion.

"About an article you posted, about Warren," I explained, but before I could continue, her reaction was visceral.

"Who sent you?" she demanded, her voice trembling with apprehension.

"Wait, wait, my friend is in trouble," I hastily interjected, attempting to placate her fears. "And... well, I need to know everything about Scarlet. My friend looks like her, and Warren saw her and invited her to his house for a DNA test," I stumbled over my words, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me.

Pulling out my phone, I showed her a picture of Y/N, hoping to convey the urgency of the matter.

"Oh... oh my God," she gasped, her expression shifting to one of realization. "She really does look just like Scarlet."

"Yeah, and I really need your help. My friend is in real danger," I implored, my voice fraught with desperation.

"No shit. I'm guessing you could only find a little on Warren. Greedy bastard probably had most, if not all, records destroyed," she remarked bitterly, her anger palpable.

"Who exactly is Warren Windsor?" I pressed, eager for any insight into the enigmatic figure.

The woman's gaze hardened, her eyes flashing with fury. "Warren is a murderer. He killed my son."

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