Chapter 20 - Percentage

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I stared in disbelief at the aftermath of my outburst, my heart pounding with a mix of anger and regret. He looked up at me, his eyes cold and unforgiving, and let out a chilling laugh that sent shivers down my spine.

"Back to her room," he commanded, raising his hand and gesturing towards me. Before I could protest, I was forcefully dragged back to my confines.

Overwhelmed by the weight of my actions, I stumbled into the bathroom, turning on the shower in a desperate attempt to drown out the chaos swirling in my mind. With trembling fingers, I pulled out my phone and typed a frantic message:

"Did you find anything?"

Moments later, a response flashed across the screen:

"A lot, let me copy and paste it." My eyes widened as I read the detailed account, each word etching itself into my memory.

"So they are killers, one of them just murdered a doctor in cold blood, then the father said he almost killed his own child because he spent so much time around me," I typed back, shuddering at the recollection of those horrific events.

Suddenly, the sound of the door opening jolted me back to reality.

"Y/N?" a voice called out.

"I-I'm in the shower," I stammered, cursing myself for getting my clothes wet.

"I'll have the maid set up something for you when you come out, and your new clothes will be on the bed," the voice replied, the shower's steady stream making it difficult to identify the speaker.

With my heart racing, I held the phone just out of reach from the water, desperately trying to calm myself. I needed to delete the messages and find a charger. Quickly, I hid the phone in an empty container, tucking it safely away in the corner of the tub, praying there were no cameras to betray my secret.

After the shower, I cautiously peeked through the door, only to find Juliun and Rosey waiting for me. "Oh, Miss L/N needs a towel," Rosey said, her eyes silently pleading with me.

"So go get one," Juliun snapped, his voice laced with coldness.

Rosey handed me a towel, and I wrapped it tightly around myself.

"I'll take care of your hair," she offered, her eyes begging me to understand.

"No, thank you, I don't like people to touch my hair," I replied, earning a huff from Juliun.

"So you have been refusing the help of the servants," he stated, his tone dripping with disdain. I cringed at the word, unable to contain my frustration any longer.

"What is this, the 1800's? They're called maids, and I can do things myself, unlike you," I snapped back.

Juliun's eyes narrowed. "I can do those things myself if I wanted to," he retorted.

"And yet you clearly don't," I countered, feeling Rosey's gaze shift between us uncomfortably.

Juliun glared at me, his jaw clenched.

"I'll leave you and the maid to it, then," he spat, emphasizing the word 'maid' with contempt. He swiftly turned and left, and I heard the unmistakable click of the lock.

"Did... did he just lock us in here?" Rosey whispered, her voice laced with disbelief.

After a moment of tense silence, I muttered, "Yeah..."

Rosey's eyes widened with concern. "I heard about the doctor... is it true?"

"You don't know the half of it," I replied, sitting on the bed, water dripping from my damp hair.

"H-here, let me dry you off and heat you up," Rosey offered, rushing to provide me with more towels and an old heater from the closet. "Old house... heh," she remarked, her eyes darting towards the door as footsteps approached, only to fade away moments later.

In a hushed tone, I leaned closer to her. "I need a charger."

Her eyes met mine, understanding the urgency of the situation. "What kind?"

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