Chapter 7 - Too long

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At the crack of dawn, at 6 a.m., a persistent knock echoed through the room, rousing me from my slumber.

"Ah, I see you've helped yourself to the clothes in the closet. You look better," a voice remarked as a hand extended towards me.

"I apologize for the intrusion. My name is Julian, the youngest," he introduced himself.

"Oh, Julian. Sorry, I'm just not a morning person," I mumbled, still trying to shake off the grogginess.

"I can see that," he laughed as I rubbed my face with my hands. "Today, you're going to be with me."

"Doing what?" I inquired.

"Just normal things, getting to know each other is all," he explained with a friendly smile. "Lets go have breakfast"

I rise from my seat, stretching my limbs, and trail behind him into the dining room. Settling into a random chair, a maid promptly serves me a cup of coffee, which I eagerly sip while glancing at my phone.

Odd, no service.

"Father mentioned you're studying finance," he starts the conversation.

"Yeah, that's correct," I confirm.

"But your passion lies in art?"

"Indeed," I reply.

He nods, stepping closer. "Listen, my father is quite elderly... I just want to ascertain if you're here solely for the financial gain."

"I mean, it's a part of it. Your father seems pleasant, but I have my own life to consider," I explain.

"And what are your plans for the money?"

"Just going back to school, securing a better apartment, and striving for a better job," I outline.

"And your friend?"

"She'll be living with me, of course. It's the least I can do for all the help she's given me," I assert.

He nods thoughtfully as I glance around, attempting to catch a signal on my phone. I notice the maid I conversed with earlier.

"Hey there," I greet her as I approach.

"Well, hello Y/N. How's your stay been so far?" she inquires.

"Pretty good. What's up with the service around here?" I question.

"Huh?" Her face twists in confusion. "Service is usually normal... I'll inquire about it."

"That's odd. How did you even land a job like this in the first place?" I wonder aloud.

"Didn't you know that talking to her is prohibited?" A booming voice interrupts from behind me. I turn to find Stefan glaring at both of us.

"I fail to see the issue; it's just a conversation," I interject.

"No, it's not. You know that, Maria," Stefan retorts.

"Well, I didn't. What's the big deal?" I challenge, my voice escalating enough to attract Lenard from around the corner.

"Rules are rules, and she must face the consequences," Lenard asserts, aligning himself with Stefan.

"It's a stupid rule meant for stupid people," I snap, feeling my anger flare. "And who are you anyway, sitting high and mighty over a simple conversation?" I demand.

Lenard looks shocked while Stefan's anger intensifies. "What's the problem?" Warren, the old man, interjects as he approaches.

"She was talking to the maid," Stefan accuses, pointing at me.


"Well, Y/N, maids aren't supposed to be conversing with guests. She knows that," Warren explains in a gentle tone that only irritates me further.

"And why is that? What's the big deal about talking to the staff?" I press.

"It's the rule," Warren replies.

"A stupid rule," I retort. But before I can say more, I'm suddenly grabbed and pulled into my room.

"What the—"

"You must learn some manners, young lady," Warren lectures me as if he were a father scolding his child. Before I can respond, he walks out and locks the door.

Coming here was a mistake.

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