Chapter 13 - Nanny

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Returning to my room, frustration gnawing at me, I sought solace in the closet. Dialing Jasmine's number, she picked up with a casual "Yo."

"These people here are getting crazier by the second," I vented.

"Yeah, I can tell. They're also oddly powerful. The moment I mentioned that man's name, I was immediately shut down," she revealed.

"Look, try to dig up some information about this family. Their fixation on a deceased woman is far from normal, and it didn't just materialize out of thin air," I urged.

"Okay, I'll see what I can find. Send me the woman's full name, and I'll head to the library to do some research," she agreed.

Thanking her, I ended the call and emerged from my hiding spot. Determined, I began to explore the vast expanse of the house.

Finding the indoor scene dull, I ventured outside. "Hi," a voice greeted me from behind. Startled, I turned around, half expecting to see one of the brothers or their father. Instead, it was a stranger, a face I didn't recognize.

"Oh, great, there's more of them," I muttered under my breath.

He chuckled. "Nah, I'm not really related to them. I thought maids weren't allowed out—"

"I'm not a maid," I interjected.

"Then who are you?" he inquired.

"Not even I know at this point," I replied with a hint of resignation.

He laughed and extended his hand. "My name's Zen. I was here for a meeting, but it seems I can't find anyone."

"I'm Y/N L/N," I introduced myself.

"Oh, right. You're the one here for the blood test results," he recalled.

"Yeah," I groaned.

"It's a shame Scarlet died like that. The boys were so young," he remarked casually.

"Wait, what?" I froze, taken aback by his mention of Scarlet and the boys' youth.

"Yeah, that's what I was told. That she died before they were born," I replied, confusion clouding my thoughts.

"Oh no, she was their nanny," Zen clarified.

"But I was told—" I began, but my words were abruptly cut off.

"There you are! Sorry, I was occupied. I forgot your appointment was at—" Stefen interrupted, his gaze shifting to me. "Why are you outside?" he questioned, perplexed.

"Why the hell do you care?" I retorted sharply.

"Oh, so you won't talk to them but you're willing to converse with a stranger?" Warren chimed in, joining Stefen.

"Yup," I affirmed defiantly.

Stefen scoffed. "Come on, Zen, we have paperwork to fill out," he said, leading Zen away. Warren lingered for a moment, his expression troubled.

"You didn't have to leave Leonard like that," he remarked softly.

"It doesn't matter how I leave him. You creeps dragged me back here," I snapped back, my frustration boiling over. With a resigned sigh, Warren acknowledged the futility of the conversation and turned away.

But now my mind was in turmoil. If the driver claimed Scarlet was his wife, yet the other man asserted she was the babysitter,

None of this made sense.

None of it at all.

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