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The news of Izzy trying to escape her father, broke the news like wildfire ripping through a town

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The news of Izzy trying to escape her father, broke the news like wildfire ripping through a town. The top of the empire was shaken, the emperor looked down on the city he believed he overthrew. Watching as his beloved daughter who he wished to take the throne one day arrived, by escort of his body guards.

The large emperor like doors opened as the sound of gucci heels hit the polished wooden floors, the daughter of the sire stood there. A brave face, but a heart that felt like it was about to die from beating out of her chest.

"Isabella." Her father begun, as he slowly turned to face her.

"Steven." Izzy folded her arms, a poised expression on her face. Some would call her insane for even making that expression towards her father, the world finding out that she wanted out, she wasn't surprised that by blood, no one came to her side, not even her mother called. The only ones that called her were Joey and Chandler, Joey was in a constant state of panic. He apologised for getting her into this and all Izzy could do was thank him.

Chandler on the other hand was ready to lay his life down on the line, he had a plan to make it seem like Izzy just dropped off of the face of the earth. But in reality they would be sitting on a beach in the Bahamas drinking until they wouldn't see straight.

"So, you want to leave the family business?" Steven folded his arms in return.

"I want out."

The night continued with Steven and Isabella yelling at each other until they turned blue in the face, Izzy tried to keep her composure. But the childhood trauma got the best of her, all of the years of built up anger made her explode like a bomb.

Izzy's phone blew up like a firecracker, every single member of the friends group called her with anxiety, Chandler was afraid that she was dead. Ross thought the same and Joey had the fear that she was in a bin somewhere. The girls had worse fears.

23 hours of Izzy being radio silent, with heels in hand and a defeated stature. The man who believed he was the biggest man who ever lived, was in fact the smallest man that ever lived. A sly and sneaky little man. The door to the girls apartment swung open, revealing a defeated woman who was dying on the inside. Instead of physically harming her, as much as a fight she put up. The little girl inside her was curled up in a tiny little ball, the girl she had fought her entire life to protect. Was brutally attacked.

"Izz." Chandler and everyone stood up, they all noticed the mascara stained cheeks. The normally glossy lips were now crusty and dry, her bright ocean blue eyes had become dull and lifeless. She looked numb... without hesitation everyone walked towards her. Pulling her into a group hug, inside Izzy appreciated the love they had for her. But she was drowning.

Izzy was guided to take a seat on the couch, Rachel went and got a wet face washer to clean her face up. Whilst Monica got her water, Chandler sat on the coffee table in front of her, holding her face to try and get their eyes to meet. She was there with them, but no one was home. Ross stood by the TV, he was saddened that Izzy was in the state she was in. He always had a guard up with her, as her and Chandler always gave him grief. But then, a soft and subtle touch of Joeys hand on top of hers made her jump slightly in her skin. But Joey didn't take his hand away, he held hers as tight as he could in the most comforting way possible. Izzy's eyes looked up and observed the room, Chandler smiled as her softly.

"There's our girl." Chandler commented as he took the face washer from Rachel, he slowly and gently begun to take her make up off.

"What happened, are you ok?" Rachel asked her in a sincere tone, pulling her hair up into a messy bun on top of her head.

"My father, has officially taken everything from me... he's taken my career from me." Izzy managed to spit out.

"It's alright, you're smart baby. You'll find a new job in no time. Do you have a degree in something?" Chandler questioned her in a gentle tone.

"Oh yeah, I have a degree in suck my large ass penis." Izzy snapped, making Chandler sit up and take a breath.

"Hey, we have discussed this. No taking things out on each other. I know you're hurting, so I'm going to not reply to that." Izzy gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

"I'm sorry." Chandler smiled and mouthed that it was ok.

"With my father being so incredibly mad at me leaving the so called 'family business', he called me the greatest mistake of his life... well that was the lightest thing he said to me. But, because he said he created my career and all my paperwork's and everything goes through him before a gig. He's going to destroy my career, well... he already has... Isabella Thorn, the world famous model is dead."

Authors Note:

Another update?!!! WHATTTTTT!!
So dramaaaaaa, what you guys think? This isn't the end for Isabella Thorn, she has sooooo much character development to have.
Tell me your thoughts and all.

I love you

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