Sesshomaru closed his eyes, relaxed his body, and slowed his breath. Laughter echoed through his ears; a memory formed long ago when nothing but a clumsy girl was all he needed to worry. Centuries later, her smile continued to haunt his mind - one of many reasons Sesshomaru could no longer spare himself sleep. He pictured her eyes. Those radiant sapphire eyes. A mimic of the gems themselves, brimming with power and bravery. A burning flame of hope and compassion. She was everything he was not. And everything he desired.

A crack tore through the thick cocoon of flesh. Sesshomaru heard the faintest curse wallow through the air as the sight of the battlefield returned. His eyes met Jaken who happened to be in the company of the only other hanyou Sesshomaru would gladly claw through. Inuyasha gripped his claymore and raised it above his head, shouting the command of the weapon's elite ability.

"Wind Scar!"

Naraku barely missed the attack, sparing a glance at Sesshomaru and cursed once more. What a fool, the prince thought. Had the spider truly believed he could easily defeat the great prince of the West? Sesshomaru raised his sword, Tokijin, fuming its blade with his demonic aura. But before he could release its power, Inuyasha shoved past him.

"Out of my way!" He yelled. "Naraku's mine!"

Sesshomaru gritted his teeth. Blundering fool. "He is mine for the kill."

Inuyasha scoffed back. "Like hell, he is. This victory is mine, Sesshomaru!"

The audacity and immaturity of his brother were two things that never ceased to aggravate Sesshomaru. It was a miracle his brother survived this long with his impertinent behaviour. Before he could retaliate, the ground began to shake. The flesh that scattered the arena flew back to its owner. A gargantuan body now stood before the brothers.

"I shall absorb you both," Naraku said. "Now, die!"

They dodged his attacks, leaping from the hanyou's incoming attacks, and cutting them off again until all that was left was Naraku's torso, which lay on the ground, defenceless. They conjured their attacks together, an unwilling force of power that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha would release together. An explosion of smoke bursts into the air; flesh and blood rained the sky and for a moment, victory was theirs, until the puff of smoke turned into miasma and the scattered parts quivered back to Naraku. Kagura and his saimyoshos floated above him, waiting for their master to depart along with them.

"Sesshomaru," he called out. "I shall retreat tonight. Let us settle things once and for all the next time we meet." As Naraku and his servants vanished to the sky, a primal surge coursed through Sesshomaru, every fibre of his being electrified. "FOOL!" The roar of his anger released a palpable wave of demonic energy, jolting Inuyasha beside him. "Do not think you can escape from me!" The mirth coating the prince's tongue beckoned him to release it all and go after the cowardly man.

Naraku's smile did not falter. "Oh, Sesshomaru. Rather than transforming yourself into your beastly form and coming after me, I suggest you hurry off to your little companion before it's too late."

Sesshomaru's shifting stopped, his eyes demanding Naraku to explain himself.

"Rin is being held hostage by a boy named Kohaku." At the mention of that name, Inuyasha's eyes widened. Naraku shifted his focus to Inuyasha. "You should know what that means." With a mocking chuckle, Naraku and his accomplices vanished, leaving behind no trace or hint of their scent. Inuyasha's expression soured as he resheathed Tessaiga. Frustration was evident on his face. Once more, he failed to vanquish Naraku, but perhaps he could still earn satisfaction from the questions in his head from his brother.

"Oi, Just what connections do you have with her?"

Sesshomaru did not look at his brother. His eyes remained glued to the dark sky. To have used Rin and believed that such leverage would have any effect on him; Naraku underestimated him. When he heard Inuyasha yell his name again, Sesshomaru turned to him.

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