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The slumbering realm was a desolate wasteland, a graveyard of blood and fire

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The slumbering realm was a desolate wasteland, a graveyard of blood and fire. 

Lifeless bodies surrounded me, their countenances marred by horrifying injuries that rendered them unidentifiable. I regressed into a state of childhood, stationed amidst the cadavers as if I were the focal point of a macabre ceremony—a sacrificial offering, perhaps?

This unprecedented dream unfolded before me: the moon donned an otherworldly hue, a devilish shade of red I had yet to witness. And in a stark departure from my usual composure, an insidious fear gnawed at the nape of my neck and traced its icy tendrils down my spine. The monstrous entity loomed ever closer, emitting a menacing growl from its saliva-drenched maw. Desperately, I attempted to mobilize my body, to flee from the encroaching demon's presence, but my efforts were in vain. It wasn't mere fear that had numbed my senses and rendered my legs immobile; it was a profound paralysis that shackled me, defying my fervent commands to escape.

'Hellfire...dark fire....hellfire...dark fire...'

His relentless repetition of those words pierced my consciousness like an agonizing chant, unraveling a sense of familiarity buried deep within my subconscious. Those words, those specific names—they echoed with a haunting resonance. Where had I encountered them before? As his voice intensified, my heartbeat crescendoed, its echoes reverberating through the blood-soaked earth. An ethereal vapor that once enshrouded his hand transformed into a tangible sword, enveloped in a thick cloak of inky darkness. A single eye emerged on the hilt of the blade, fixating upon me with eager expectation, yearning for an action that would deem me deserving of its lethal strike. Yet there I remained, immobilized and consumed by terror, an unwilling participant in this sinister tableau. 

'Foolish girl.'

The voice emanating from the sword bore chilling darkness, its echoes constricting the air and casting an icy grip upon my surroundings. Even within the realm of this dream, I struggled to draw breath, as if the very atmosphere had grown tight and suffocating.

'You shouldn't have returned.'

The demon raised the sword, ready to strike me down. 

'This time, I'll make sure you never do'.

As the descending sword neared, the scene abruptly shifted, enveloping me in a blinding light that erased the macabre tableau. In its wake, the radiant glow revealed a serene expanse of clear skies. I drew in a deep breath, my lungs exalting the arrival of oxygen, infusing life into my pulsing arteries.

"You're awake!"

My vision, initially hazy, gradually sharpened, revealing Rin peering down at me with a mixture of concern and relief. "Thank goodness," she whispered, her voice a gentle caress. "You stopped breathing for a moment there."

Her remark startled me. Had I truly been suffocating? Reluctantly, I lifted my head from the improvised pile of leaves that served as my makeshift pillow. Rin remained by my side, her brows furrowed in genuine worry.

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