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Deep within the vast forest of Japan, the stars shone dimly on a moonless night. 

A sane soul would never think to travel into the woods with so little light to guide him home. But to the being who walked through the narrow path of thick trees and dense leaves, the darkness was his calming essence. His eyes did not falter from the lack of light as he remained to see as clearly as he could in the day. 

One could see with a single sight that Sesshomaru was no ordinary man. His white hair was a symbol of his prestige and being - a genetic trait that only his kind possessed as they reflected the very planet that bestowed them powers beyond human comprehension. Wherever he went, Sesshomaru circulated poise in his movements, like solemn leaves on autumn's peak - a sign of his upbringing and status amongst the living. But as graceful as he was, danger and the hunger for power lurked in his eyes, circulating the golden irises that resembled the sun's gleam; golden eyes that would drive anyone to their knees. Nine centuries had branded Sesshomaru many names, yet only one ever prevailed:

Daiyokai of the West

With his sharp nose, he perused the forest with ease, stopping only by the distracting voice of his motley crew.

"Make haste, Rin!" 

Jaken was an imp with the greenest scales and the largest head. 

"Oh, you foolish, girl, walk faster!" The same could be said with his mouth.

Sesshomaru took a steady breath in. A peaceful night was all he asked for after a dismaying encounter with his wretched half-brother. And yet, it was unlikely for the warrior to feel so easily restless. 

"I'm going as fast as I can, Jaken-sama." Rin, a child no older than seven, glowered at the imp. Her hair was a wild bush that needed a heavy trim, and her wrinkled kimono was dirty and worn. Trudging behind her with their wide paws, A-Un, a two-headed dragon and Sesshomaru's beast of burden, groaned in apprehension. Their eyes moved sharply, craning their necks left and right as if sensing an approaching danger. 

"Sesshomaru-sama!" Jaken called out to him, his little legs waddling to keep up with his master. "If I may be so bold to ask, where are we going?" 

It was the same question every day. His motley crew never knew his destination. Only his goal to hunt down a particular hanyou, who dared to challenge his strength. Sesshomaru sniffed the air again, frowning at the constant change in the wind's scent. It was as if nature had become a disoriented phenomenon, blanking against the night's mystery, until another scent passed through his nose, one that stammered the prince's heart. 

"Jaken." His cold, commanding tone startled the imp. 

"Y-Yes, milord?" 

"Find a place to camp for the night." Before the imp could ask him for further clarification, Sesshomaru ascended to the air, concentrating on following the potent scent that had piqued his interest. 


The ribbiting sound melted with the crickets' whistles, stretching my eyes open. The throb in my head felt like a thousand kilograms had been dropped on me. 

"Aish," I quietly cursed. My mind blurred like the fog masking my surroundings, conscious only of the hard surface kissing my cheek. Only, it wasn't a frosty touch of smooth stone that was to be expected from cobblestone, but rather, a hay-like texture that scratched my skin; an earthy smell that tickled my nose. I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes to rid the hazy vision.  Bushes of green stretched over me. Trees, taller than a skyscraper, blocked the stars from my view. 

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