Chapter 17

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Evening after evening they struggled through all the extra homework they were getting. Or Harry and Ron were at least.

Lucifer and Hermione were doing just fine in their Homework unit.

Hermione had noticed that Harry didn't bother to make revision timetables, so she made up some for him as well, but Lucifer noticed it was starting to drive him mad.


One day, Hermione noticed Lucifer always went somewhere, after dinner for the past few days.

So, she decided to ask Harry, who also stayed at Hogwarts, during the break, maybe he knew something?

"Harry, I wanted to ask, if you have seen Lucifer going out at night, during the Christ-"

"Hermione, I don't know anything!"

"But, you haven't even listened, wha-

"I really swear! I haven't seen Lucifer hanging out with those Hufflepuffs at all. Please believe me!" After yelling such dangerous words, Harry immediately ran towards the stairs, and went to hide, inside his blanket, honestly.

"....." Hermione. 'It must be those two bimbos again...'

She stared at the wand, in her right hand, with a menacing look on her face. 'I should teach.....those things, a very hard lesson.... won't even dare to look at my Lucifer again..'


One morning at breakfast, Harry got a letter from Hagrid, which told them, to come down at his hut, asap.

As much as Ron didn't want to, they all skipped the rest of breakfast and ran down to Hagrid's hut.

"We better not miss Herbology because of this!" Hermione yelled, while they were busy running towards the hut.

Hagrid opened the door and ushered them in quickly, "It's nearly out!"

The egg was laying on the table. There were deep cracks in the egg; something was moving on the inside, indicating that there was indeed a dragon inside it.

A funny clicking noise could be heard from inside it.

They all drew up chairs and watched with bated breath. All at once, there was a scraping noise and the egg split open. The baby dragon flopped onto the table.

It had spiny wings that were huge compared to its tiny jet black body, a long snout with wide nostrils, stubs of horns and long snout with wide nostrils, stubs of horns and bulging orange eyes.

After Hagrid had told them the egg was a Norwegian Ridgeback, Lucifer immediately recalled, what he read about them, their bite was extremely venomous.

It suddenly sneezed and a couple of sparks came flying out of its snout, hitting Hagrid's beard who began patting it vivaciously to put it out,

"Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid murmured.

"Why don't you check, if her teeths are beautiful too?" Lucifer politely encouraged, Hagrid to go even further, who already lost his marbles at this point of time, and tried to put his finger near...

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