character descriptions

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Hello~ I am finally posting character descriptions (I'm so sorry) these are all the main casts! Hopefully it helps!

Arlo (Bellamy)


A young boy who makes his first appearance in chapter 14, during the Fairy Festival. He seems naive and first glance, but has been noted to have an awareness to his surroundings, and a tenacious spirit after surviving in the slums, and at the hands of an abusive father.

Especially attached to Kaden, due to seeing the other as a sort of saviour that understands him. Also was bribed with food at their first meeting which may play a part. Gets teased by Niklas often, and therefore doesn't like him.

Has been previously concerned about being replaced with Your Majesty (Jest) but is now too busy acting silly around his long missed saviour.

A certain author has forgotten if they've mentioned his age, however, he is now officially 16, turning 17.


Youthful with soft cheeks, rounded and large amber eyes that naturally appear innocent when he speaks, but hardens into a firmer, colder look when he's decided to do something. Slightly curly golden hair that has now faded into a more brown/dark blonde colour. Very skinny, but Kaden is happy to announce that the boy has more flesh on his bones (he's being fed very well). Has just about reached Kaden's height.


Nicola Akasha


A young woman who makes her first appearance in chapter 6, in which she encourages Kaden to attend the Fairy Festival. Sees Kaden for more than he believes he is worth, has a generally kind and approachable nature with a touch of mischief noted by those closer to her.

Pre-time skip, she was in her third-year in the Academy, and was 21. Now, she is 24. Slightly older than her peers because of an earlier birthday in the year. Appears to have a strained relationship with her fellow student president.

In the past, she was somebody who lived in the slums. Despite her mannerisms and behaviour presently, she also had a wild past. (Say, perhaps in a dangerous situation, she'll really show them what it looks like to be a survivor whose crawled their way up.)

These days, she spends most of her times listening to Holly's gossip, which are always told in an entertaining manner. Secretly, this president also likes listening to drama.


Straight and long brown hair that changes in hairstyles frequently, but always presented in a neat manner. Her typical hairstyle is an over-the-shoulder ponytail, but she likes all manners of ponytails. Cherry, pink-ish eyes (yes they're natural, this is fantasy) and upturned lips that gives the illusion she is constantly smiling. Has softer features that make her look gentle.


Holly Sinclair


A wild young woman who is in her second-year of the Academy, close friends with Nicola. Makes her first appearance in chapter 17 after sharing an awkward conversation (that she'd insist was amusing, but Kaden would disagree). Naturally of a more extroverted character, likes to speak her mind and eavesdrop on conversations. If there's drama, she's there! If there's gossip, she knows it.

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