56 | burial; to the child that lived

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The lake wasn't as beautiful as it was the previous night.

That was Kaden's first dazed thought, and he wondered if it was because it was day and not night, that the contrast between the intensity of water wasn't as vivid against the skies.

Or was it the company of two, when his focus could only wander between the dragon and the lake?

Beside, a certain dragon was sharing similar thoughts, thinking the tranquillity of the lake couldn't compare with a noisier crowd.

He didn't mind it—the rowdy group of students that chased chaos and recklessness. But the atmosphere from then and now was irrevocably different. The difference was in the company that surrounded; he knew.

But what was the precise thing that separated Kaden, alone, and the group of silly friends?

He had a guess for that answer as well.

"Are you perhaps thinking about a particular, stupid fool?" wondered Niklas in a raised voice, lifting his eyebrows slyly. 

Noah glanced sideways, expressionless. "You were awake last night. You knew he left."

"I knew no such thing. How could you accuse me?"

"...you can't always play the fool, Niklas."

"Hey, let's not call each other names." complained the other, despite having done the same earlier. Kaden had walked ahead with Holly and Nicola. "Anyway, it did something, didn't it? He fell asleep."

Niklas wasn't heartless, even if his pastime was teasing others, and making messes. He insisted that he cleaned up after his messes after, however.

But even a man with failing vision could see the unsteady stumble of Kaden's steps, the dragging darkness under his eyes. Kaden's stubborn way of pretending nothing was wrong couldn't detour Niklas from thinking of plans in his mind.

If a direct approach didn't work, then he would find discreet and indirect matters.

He wouldn't admit it. 

Because of course, why would he take to sleep earlier than he normally would, squeezing his eyes shut to force the darkness to come? Why would he wake up in short periods and bursts, hearing the near rustling sheets and lie still as if still in deep slumber?

It wouldn't be because Kaden wouldn't dare to disturb him and quietly slip outside to not wake him. It also wouldn't be because Niklas knew Kaden would think twice before returning, believing his own insomnia would disrupt and wake Niklas. 

Niklas kept walking, saying nothing. It was unlike his typical character. 

If possible, Niklas would've had a terrific time baring his deepest, darkest secrets and worries to Kaden, indulging in a mini therapy sessision that only the best of freinds could share. 

A pillow fight, which he predicted would be violent, was another option he would've participated in. Time was short, but he valued their friendship and every event that could occur.

Perhaps their age made them a little old to mess around, but Niklas could confidentally say that if he threw a pillow at Kaden, the other would throw one back even harder. The image made him snort slightly.

But fun wasn't what Kaden needed, so Niklas had to adjust his plans.

"Don't think too much, Noah. We're all friends. I have never lied about that." He turned half-way, the side of his face shadowed by the trees above. "I wouldn't ruin that. No matter what."

The dragon's eyes watched him, at the smile that wasn't there. Then, the man turned and ran ahead to catch up with the others, waving his hand wildly in the air. "Hey! Don't leave me behind, what did I miss? Don't solve mysteries without me!"

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