64 | corrupted; the salvation of deception

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"I find that boy who follows you much more adorable." remarked Lux casually, dark red gaze sweeping over the empty streets. "Compared to this little brother over here."

Skye glared at Lux viciously, pouting.

He spun his head to stare pleadingly at Kaden. "You absolutely can't replace me, Kaden! You're my older brother. Mine!"

To think that such immature behaviour could be displayed by a 16-year old boy.

It was easy to forget Skye's age, by the mere fact that he was in his second year and had grown at a rapid pace. When he was quiet, he seemed like a beautiful youth that was studious and calm.

The pink-haired man paused, the clatter of his shoes stopping along the abandoned streets. His voice was gently but firm, carrying a mocking note. There was no amusement in his pale gaze, sharp in the darkness. "Older brother?" He whispered. "Can we be family so long as you look down on me? Can we be family if we're not equals?"

Rather than family, he would be better off deemed a disobedient toy that Skye wanted.

Had they become family, the events wouldn't have ended as tragically as they did. There were no winners in his past, not a soul that achieved happiness except for those uninvolved. But perhaps Kaden's cruelty to his younger brother meant this was a family he deserved.

In the beginning, when he smashed the mirror in horror as his rebirth, he would've believed it. That he deserved this, that this was the forsaken fate he was destined for.

But the kindness of his friends had told him what was genuine, and what was false. The division between kindness and cruelty.

As they were, Skye and Kaden could never be real siblings.

"...that's not fair. And I don't look down on you!"

Kaden said nothing in response. Lux, hands tucked in his pocket as he loosely followed, observed the pair. Both young, and although he was only two years Kaden's senior he lived a life that was the furthest thing from normal.

The indifference and chill that was marked in Kaden's gaze was so unlike the one he had with his friends—but this was the obedient dog that he'd heard of.

"Those two spoiled princes, both the youngest and oldest..." Lux muttered under his breath, staring past the wisping fog. "Aren't they miserable?"

If Lux hadn't sworn his loyalty to Reed... if he didn't need that crazy Crown Prince... He stared at the back of Kaden's head, straight and unmoving, and laughed to himself.

What would he do? Save the puppet caught in the strings of two princes, twisted and spun every way?

It was an entirely obscure and impossible thought.

He pitied Kaden, but at the end of the day, they were strangers bound by an unlikely relationship with Reed. Servants that followed his obnoxious command.

The image of the arrogant blonde haired prince flickered in his mind.

If he wasn't so twisted, it was undoubtble that Reed had been born with the blood of royalty. He'd been born to rule, to be a leader. Lux had thought so the moment he laid gaze of the prim and elegant back.

Kaden, oblivious to the thoughts of the following man, noticed that Lux had fallen further to the back. Taking it as an opportunity, his steps picked up pace in an attempt to lose the troublesome bug. Predictably, it failed.

He tugged at the cloak around his body tighter, drawing it against his neck as the cool night danced up his skin. Turning down another alleyway, the distinct stench of blood filled his nose.

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