25 | unfathomable; the secrets of the unliving

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Mysteries hid under the earth the living walked upon, or in the crevices that they passed unwittingly. The unknown, so strange and terrifying, filled with an unfathomable beauty.

Perhaps out of place, a disconnected puzzle piece that seemed to belong nowhere until you saw the full picture.

Kaden blinked at the endless garden, a utopia that seemed to reject negativity despite keeping records of death and terror. The pink spirit nodded calmly.

"While you associate death with terrible things, we see death as a conclusion, and a beginning to another path."

Kaden frowned. "Are you saying reincarnation is possible?"

Then he realized the irony of his question. He hadn't even entered a new body—no, against all odds, he traveled to another universe and then back in time.

"There are many things that are possible. But the living often chooses to deem the things they cannot understand as a fantasy, an unrealistic daydream."

The lavender spirit jumped in, glancing accusingly over at her... friend?

"Don't say that!"

"I am simply stating things as they are."

Kaden laughed lightly, smiling politely as he was careful not to accidentally tread over some sacred flower or anything. "Well, she's unfortunately correct."

The rose spirit stared at him observantly, her beautiful and sharp gaze scrutinizing his every breath. Then a pleasant smile graced her lips. "Seeing as your reaction is not to reject our existence, I will deem you as an outlier in that case."

"Thank you. I think?"

"Although your fate is twisted, I can see the lines scattered in many different directions. It's hard to tell."

The lavender interjected, her words filled with high praise. "My dearest sister has been blessed by the Watcher of Fate! Not all spirits here are blessed, but she is! She can see how fate connects people, and when their death approaches."

Then, the spirit added proudly. "I can sense the colour of people's emotions! Isn't that cool?"

Kaden paused, and a somber air filled his body in this delightful garden. He lowered his voice, both cautious and curious. "Can you tell me when I will die?"

Silence blanketed them, a tense atmosphere that made the surrounding spirits fly away.

The rose spirit's smile fell. "Even if I tell you, it is difficult to change your life's trajectory. It would be a self-fulfilling prophecy. In trying to change fate, you will lead yourself to that destined outcome."

Kaden shook his head, laughing helplessly, a deadness in his gaze. "I wouldn't try to prevent my death. I never had any intentions of doing that."

His words fell on stagnant air, and the lavender spirit shivered before she turned sideways to the masked figure that seemed to radiate the cold. Her eyes widened, seeing the flaring bursts of rippling black, dark and terrifying edges.

The aura spiked out aggressively, mixing a forced calm and then unrestrained anger that continued to fluctuate.

The rose spirit calmed down despite being startled by the bland words, before she glanced back at her sister, frown deepening. She spun her head to the masked figure.

Her lips parted to make a single order.


The man fell still, and suddenly dropped to one knee, sweat trickling down his neck as his breathing became laboured.

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