71 | daughter; a reaper's requiem

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It had been a week, and Noah hadn't once asked for an answer to his confession. Kaden could barely imagine what it took to announce such a declaration for somebody as unworthy as himself.

Certainly, Kaden didn't particularly think that there wasn't a person in the world that could love him—for his appearance, some might fawn for him, though few.

However, a person like Noah who had everything to give to the world and more, a dragon meant to dominate and become the salvation for many—and even if his path in life became more mundane, he would undoubtedly imprint his image in the minds of many.

Kaden sighed heavily into his hands, covering his face from the shadows he sat, peering at the trimmed hedges along the pathways around the school.

Then, his eyes sharpened as a beautiful, blonde-haired man passed him, flashing a brief, warning smile.

Reed was always surrounded by people, and therefore, he only smiled and waved before striding away. It was a warning, for Kaden to make haste and fulfill his mission. To rid of the target that Reed had claimed.

He once dreamed of resisting, of spitting in Reed's face and rejecting him.

The curse, after all, was temporarily weak and would only activate at Reed's command. If Reed didn't consider it an action that went against him, then he couldn't activate it.

Although it didn't change the result of excruciating pain that would result, should Kaden refuse. It would be a while later before Reed forced a stronger mark onto him, leaving little to no room for resistance.

Kaden sighed again, tilting his chin to the skies.

Noah hadn't pressed for an answer, but he demanded to be informed of any of Reed's future plans. Naturally, Kaden wouldn't tell him the details.

He couldn't tell that dragon that tonight he'd creep into a silent house and slit the throat of a man that could be a husband, a father. He couldn't tell him that and come back expecting comfort.

Under Reed's orders or not, it was Kaden who did the killing.

For a second, he felt a spike of jealousy, of envy towards other students. Why was it that they could enjoy lives as they pleased, no blood on their hands and only pleasure on their minds? Why was it that he had to endure while others didn't?

Then despise for himself replaced the jealousy. A wretched knowing that there were those more miserable, those suffering more. That the luxury of being alive and not starved was a blessing in itself.

A woman slid down the outside wall beside him, curling up their legs as they too looked up at the sky. She folded her long skirt underneath her, unbothered by the dirt.

"It's rather blue today, don't you think, Kaden?" smiled Nicola pleasantly.

Kaden blinked several times in surprise. "Nicola. I didn't hear you approach."

"Quiet steps are a useful skill to know. If I've been listening correctly, I believe your steps are even lighter than mine."

"You're not wrong."

"Mn, I'm usually not."

Kaden chuckled lightly at the confident remark that came from the polite, but ever so curious woman. Vaguely recalling her comments before his drunken state wiped the remainder of the night from his mind, he wondered,

"The slums, right? You survived the trudges of society."

Nicola nodded, still staring up at the skies as her silky brown hair was combed into a loose pony tail over her shoulders. Her pale cherry eyes gleamed in memory.

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