58 | bound; a plea to stay

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"What became of that skinny boy—the pretty one from that bar? What was it called... the Inky Tavern?" wondered Niklas suddenly at their table, adding onto the pile of chopped vegetables to Arlo's plate as the boy eyed them unwillingly.

"I don't like them."

"You'll start growing backwards if you're picky."

Arlo scowled, prodding at the assortment of greens with a sulk. "I'm not stupid. You're lying."

"Am I? Perhaps I'm trying to trick you into thinking I'm lying, so that you won't eat your vegetables and will shrink instead."

"...!" Arlo jerked and squinted. "That'd be evil."

"Yeah. I never claimed myself to be a good person, kid."

Arlo spun his head to stare imploringly at Kaden, large eyes sparkling as if looking at his saviour. "Kaden..."

"Hm?" The other looked up, half-listening. "You left your vegetables on the side, Arlo? Eat them. Don't waste food—you know what it's like to want mere scraps. Don't take it for granted."

His simple words made the child straighten as he quickly hurried to eat. "I won't, I won't! I'm a good boy!"

Kaden smiled endearingly. "Mn."

Niklas shook his head. "Not listening to me, but listening to him, is that right? Anyway, Kaden, did you hear me? What happened to that boy?"

The boy in question, who Kaden currently continued paying in order to have the other be his ears and eyes in the Tavern, monitoring any suspicious behaviour, hadn't given up much interesting information.

A few scandalous affairs that were useful to know if Kaden needed to stir up trouble later, a few illegal trades that weren't anything dramatic.

The boy was rather diligent, extremely eager to please. Kaden had mostly communicated through letters, sparing a visit once—too many visits, and the boy would become too reliant, too hopeful towards Kaden.

Kaden knew that; he'd been in that position, once before.

It was satisfying enough, seeing some flesh build over the skeleton of malnourished that the youth had once been, to see the bruises that had faded, and no new ones to cover them.

Occasionally, the youth still slept with other patrons, for extra money, or to seek information. Kaden had already told him not to, if it was for the sake of information.

If the youth wanted to save up for an eventual life where he didn't need to cling to the ironed trousers of nobles, then Kaden wouldn't stop him. If he continued in order to get on Kaden's good graces, then he would stop it.

It was almost time to visit again, to check up on things.

"I'll be paying him a visit sometime soon. Do you want to come with me?"

Niklas' eyes sparkled in attention. "Another mission? How could I possibly say no to one as charming as you?"

"A 'yes' would've sufficed."

"I wouldn't dare give merely the bare minimum."

Your Majesty meowed loudly, as if agreeing and even Arlo nodded his head, pleased that Niklas worshiped his important saviour as well. If Arlo had said those words allowed, Niklas would've exclaimed, 'Who's worshiping who?!"

Unknowingly, the little boy's opinion of Niklas rose slightly with the misunderstanding.

Kaden pulled the cat onto his lap with one hand as it rubbed its face against him, satisfied with the attention it was receiving. Shuffling around, Your Majesty positioned himself comfortably and barreled into Kaden's body, closing its eyes.

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