44 | hallway; in discomfort he waits

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"I wonder if it is due to the Devil Moon's approach."

Professor Raymond leaned back in his chair, hands folded over each other while the tapping of his fingers told of his restless unease. Professor Alexander stood at his side, solemn and betraying nothing.

"The Devil's Moon makes monsters restless, and nulls abilities. It is proved that our abilities are weakest on that night, and for some, non-existent." said Alexander with a frown.

Raymond's tapping grew more frantic before he snatched his hands away and smoothened the papers on his desk. A messy and cluttered mess of paper, parted to reveal a perfect square in the center of the desk.

If Kaden recalled correctly, Alexander's own desk was displayed in a similar fashion, with the mess of paper surrounding a neat square at the center.

It was said people who spent time together ended up adopting similar habits.

"Yes, that's true, Alex. I suppose it is, but we can't rule out the possibility of other factors we haven't observed—after all, magic itself is a phenomenon that we cannot possibly be arrogant enough to assume we have much understanding of—"

"Professor." interrupted Kaden, standing in front of the desk with his hands politely rested at his side, and waiting. "What's this about the Devil's Moon?"

"Well, I'm glad you've asked! I'm sure you're already aware that it's dangerous to go out on that night, and that monsters run rampant. The day and night no longer belong to us on that day."

"Yes, I'm aware."

The night of the Devil's Moon was one that Kaden especially was familiar with, not only because of the fearful whispers that ran along the servants, or Reed's absence which Kaden wasn't certain was due to fear, or other duties.

It was because on that night, when he was alone in the castle with not even a ghost to speak to, there was a boy who visited him on that specific time.

A boy when he was a boy, and a teenager when he was a teenager. Somebody close to age with him, shroud by the darkness of the sinister evening, and a voice so quiet it was hard to decipher any tells or tone.

Raymond looked intrigued by the glimmer of softness on his student's expression, but chose not to pry. It wouldn't do anything.

"Now, it's something that we would've discussed further in class, and the night before the date, but abilities, in most cases, do not work on that evening. We aren't entirely certain of the reasons, if there's some sort of barrier due to the moon's covering, although it's really quite fascinating—"

"Ray." Alexander cleared his throat as the other sheepishly smiled, gathering his thoughts again.

Kaden remained steady, standing still. He raised an eyebrow curiously, almost prompting the professor to keep speaking, to reveal whatever secrets that might slip in his ramblings.

Alexander frowned upon noticing, keeping a closer eye onto Raymond's words. The student before him wasn't simple, and could reap secrets just by listening.

Although Kaden didn't really want to pry secrets from a Professor he admired, there were too many secrets in the Academy. Too many things that the students weren't informed of, too many dangers with no reasons behind them.

He supposed that there wasn't always meant to be a reason behind some things, and that no matter how long one would wonder, there would never be any answers.

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