33 | permission; the last to trust

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"Permission to enter the main city?" Professor Raymond narrowed his eyes at the request, frowning deeply. "Considering the lesson we just had, it's in my best intent to decline your request."

Kaden politely smiled, a smile that didn't reach his eyes. The previous somber atmosphere had yet to dissipate in the room that the students hurried out of, their world-views shattered.

Of course, the Professor had issued a vague warning in the beginning, but none had really taken it seriously.

It was only now, realizing the severity of their danger, that panic ensued.

The real question Kaden would've liked to ask was why they didn't warn them thoroughly from the beginning, though from the conflicted and warped expression, he concluded there was some reason behind it.

That's why he didn't mention it, and instead changed the topic.

Corpus was the capital of the Kingdom and where the castle was located. Of course, he had no intention of going to the castle where his presence was disliked.

However, he wanted Arlo to see further out into the world before he couldn't take the child around anymore. That's why he made haste to request permission—students weren't allowed to leave without making a request.

The nearby town where the bar and festival had been held was the exception. The town of Perro was small, and within the vicinity of the Academy.

Now Kaden wondered if the unneeded permission was due to that fact. Because the Academy could monitor them within that area.

"Are you testing me, Mr. Chauvet?"

The Professor could recognize the questioning and curious probing in the man's gaze even in his silence. That was the reason he suspected other implications from the request, despite Kaden not voicing it.

"I'm not." His unmoving smile was almost eerie. "I don't question anything, Professor. It's not my place to—in the end, I follow the commands given to me."

"I don't believe in the rumours—"

"They are not rumours. Professor, I advise you keep a close eye on the Crown Prince, my eldest brother."

Raymond wrinkled the skin between his eyebrows. "I cannot suspect a student without reason. To begin with, my strong warning to you students should not have happened, if not for the recent incidents."

"I want you to live, Professor."

The room went silent, an unsettling and morbid sort of quiet, where one might hallucinate whispers or sounds when there were none. 

Raymond's gaze grew solemn after recovering from his slight surprise. 

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, as you warned me, I'm warning you. Anyway, do I have permission?"

Raymond reluctantly pulled up the paper slip, and stamped his seal of approval onto it as he glanced up behind his gold-rimmed glasses. "Do you really not have any questions to ask of me?"

"None in the slightest."

"Not even one? Aren't you a little curious in regards to the information?"

"Do you want me to ask questions, Professor?"

The Professor realized his persistence and cleared his throat. Being of a naturally curious nature himself, he believed others were the same. He was also a little curious what sort of questions the student in front of him would ask.

Not that he wanted to be asked any questions—yes, he wouldn't be able to answer them, would he? Another curiosity unanswered, he supposed.

Oh, but he really didn't believe in the rumours regarding his students. They were obscure and strange, and twisted in many ways. Even if they held some semblance of truth, he would not base a person's character on a stranger's tall tales.

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