12 | mistake; the hows of socializing

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A wig, and eye-colour changing potion should suffice for a disguise.

Or so Kaden hoped, peeking at the bustling rush of students leaving the building to head to town. Most in carriages sent by their families of various luxuries.

Earlier, he'd stood by the mirror, gazing deeply at the reflection; the long, pink hair, and eerie green stare. His hair wouldn't have gotten in the way of the wig, there would've been a simple way to tuck it away.

To hide it, and hide himself. But he wanted an excuse to change.

And one might argue that changing one's appearance does nothing, but it wasn't the act of appearing differently that was important, it was knowing that he would make a choice to shape himself anew, a choice he hadn't made before.

Kaden stood silently and raised a hand. A pair of silver scissors glinted under the bathroom's light. He bundled the length of his hair together, and sliced through.

Pink hair fluttered to the ground like petals blown by the wind. He snipped again, and again, without looking away.

The lessened weight of his hair felt as if something had been lifted off his shoulders, and even if it were more of an illusion that a fact, he felt relieved. He trimmed the ends, keeping it straying over his ears, but no longer skimming past his shoulders.

Then, he had stared a while longer at his new reflection, the same yet different at the same time, and buried it under a heavy wig and different coloured eyes.

Kaden tugged the robed hood further down his face, making him almost blind. He could see enough, at least, through the shaded vision. Better than being seen.

For a night, he'd rather not be viewed as the cursed dog of the royal family, or a sarcastic, terrible villain. A bully. A heinous sinner whose mere existence would dampen the mood, no matter how bright.

Kaden just wanted to be Kaden, a youth exploring a festival.

For the first time, at that.

The blonde wig itched at his now-brown eyes, as he brushed it away with a sigh. The quality wasn't the best, of course, with his lacking funds. However, it had to work.

Now, all he had to do was hitch a ride on a carriage. Many students were pairing up, offering to share rides to those who had none. It was easy.

All he had to do was ask somebody.

Kaden felt as if his nerves, usually unwavering and shameless, had been pulled taut. He was used to being hated, not making a likable impression.

Raising a finger to his lips, he observed the other students with a solemn expression. As if he were still in the classroom, studying.

Okay, he was starting to understand.

Greetings were a must between two people—of course, that made sense.

Typically, a 'hello' and 'how are you?' would be the most commonly used phrases. To make conversation, one might bring up a compliment or mention something they were excited about.

And a smile. Smiling seemed to be important—and not the quirks of his lips he did when pretending to be sarcastic, but a true, genuine smile.

A small curtsy for women, a bow for men or either for those who preferred something else. However, at least one of the two.

Kaden would have to bow.

Nodding to himself after studying the interactions for fifteen minutes, he cleared his throat and tugged the hood once more. Tonight, he was a cheerful young man, friendly and easy to get along with.

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