42 | future; an easy smile

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Noah wasn't in the dormitory when Kaden returned, late at night, past curfew. His notice of absence gave him a pass, though the grouchy woman shot him a look of suspicion that softened at the little boy following closely behind.

Arlo peeked beside Kaden, a broad and cheery smile blooming on his thin face, waving.

Well aware of his innocent charms, thought Kaden with a chuckle to himself, watching the boy win over the otherwise lukewarm dorm watcher.

He returned Arlo to the room he resided in, near Kaden's own. Reed wanted to keep them in separate rooms, ultimately, not wanting any source of happiness or rest near Kaden.

That brother of his knew deeply of Kaden's insomnia—how could he not, when the fault was his? From the Room where no light could reach, where Kaden spent countless nights clawing at the door in hopes of seeing anybody or anything.

When he was younger, he didn't fear the ghosts that creaked along the old castle floors. He feared the humans that delighted in his suffering.

Kaden swallowed harshly, slipping into his own room quietly, which proved pointless since there was a lack of the dragon's presence inside. Empty, as the sheets were neatly folded with careful and precise turns, cold from absence.

Kaden felt a tinge of reluctance, lying down on his own bed after changing his clothes. The night in Corpus had been sleepless, intervals of half-hour moments of rest before he woke in cold sweat, wide-eyed and terrified.

At one point, Arlo had woken and flipped over sleepily. "Are you having a nightmare, Kaden?"

"No, I'm just thinking of some things. Go back to sleep, Arlo. I'll fall asleep soon."

The boy didn't hide the suspicion clouding his warm gaze, but said nothing further. After all, the child knew when and when not to press another person. Although he doubted Kaden would fly into a rage of anger like his father did, Arlo didn't want to risk bothering the man.

He closed his eyes, remaining faced towards Kaden as if watching for any demons that crept out from the shadows. Kaden had smiled at that.

The night back in the Academy followed the same routine, of restless turning in the bed that was too warm, then too cold. He felt exposed without a blanket, then uncomfortable with one. Shadows roamed across his vision in the image of a person that wasn't there.

The final time he woke, throwing his blankets in a frenzy as his green eyes snapped wide, somebody was sitting by his side, a warm and gloved hand held within his own.

Kaden heaved, coughing as dizziness blurred past his mind, and turned sideways.

Noah rubbed soothing circles into Kaden's hands, raising his dark gaze as he asked quietly, "Nightmares?"

Kaden blinked several times, shaking his head weakly before moving to pull his hand away—only to realize that it was his own disobedient hand that clung to the dragon, not the other way.

Mentally, he scolded his hand and looked back at Noah, who watched him deeply. The morning light cast a soft hue over the dragon's back.

Almost like a halo—though a halo of moonlight suited Noah better.

"It's not a nightmare." affirmed Noah, allowing Kaden to pull away, though his gloved hand remained open, as if mourning the loss of warmth. "Then what keeps you up at night? What makes you thrash and wake every hour?"

Kaden laughed wryly. "I hardly think that's any of your business, dearest Bellamy. Though I am quite flattered that you're so curious about me."

"I'm not looking for an argument, Chauvet."

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