09 | author; dear future reader

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"There are many different species that exist in our reality. Ones that we've heard and seen, and those that scurry under our radar, known by few."

The professor spoke calmly, fascination and deep knowledge buried within his words. Professor Alexander was a man who'd once been an adventurer, exploring the continent in search of different variants of life.

He'd retired once he reached his prime, too old to go trudging through mossy swamps, or scaling dangerous cliffs.

"Of course, you are all aware of the most common species. Humans, Elves, Dragons, Dwarves and Fairies. Well-known because their ability or their cruelty puts them in a position higher than others."

Chalk screeched against the blackboard as he wrote the words, circling 'dragons'.

"The rarest, but most powerful in terms of ability, are the dragons. However, few are blessed with that blood. We have a few students in the Academy, who you may or may not have met. Here, we gather diversity and share teachings for all species."

Nicola peered at Kaden's notes with bright eyes, praise flickering over her stare. She leaned in to whisper, "Please show me these later."

"...student president, what're you doing in this class?"

"I'm relaxing." she answered simply with a smile. "You can't expect me to be working and studying all the time, right? Regardless, I'd always been curious in this class but never quite applied for it, so here I am."

There was a tap on Kaden's back, and he glanced over cautiously, moving away from the touch. An amused gaze stared back at him in the form of lazy crimson eyes.

"May I also take a look at your notes, dear classmate?"

Danger echoed in Kaden's mind as he narrowed his eyes at the careless curve of a smile. He moved back an inch more, his actions not going escaped by the man behind him.

"Are you perhaps, scared of me?" wondered the other curiously, widening his smile. "I wonder why? Have I done something to offend you?"

Nicola's eyes flickered over to Kaden worriedly—the other looked as if he'd seen something terribly wrong. And even she felt goosebumps line her arms under the watchful red gaze.

Kaden could tell immediately, having played the role of a heartless maniac for so long. Half of him had already gone mad, twisting his personality into whatever it currently was, and that was how he could be absolutely certain.

Because crazy could see crazy.

And this man before him was the real deal. A true, venomous creature, waiting patiently with laughter on his lips to wrap around his target.

Kaden's laugh came out forced, as he raised his chin. "And with what right are you asking to use my notes?"

"Well, my classmate rights, I suppose."

"I refuse."

Kaden almost flinched, feeling as if the atmosphere had constricted, making his lungs choke and body tremble under the weight of it all.

"Do you?"

Then a blink, and suddenly the pressure vanished as if it was never there and the other waved his hand, resting his chin between open palms. "I guess there's nothing I can do about it then. What a shame."

Suddenly, Nicola gasped. "Aren't you... I apologize for my rudeness, your highness." She slowly begun to lower her head, and Kaden frowned, displeased.

Her sudden formality made him quickly realize who this person was—likely a member of royalty from a neighboring kingdom.

Nevertheless, Kaden remained calm in his seat smiling vaguely. "The Academy doesn't judge based off class or race, remember, student president? The only exception would be if some disobeying student were to enforce that rule..."

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