87 | betrayal; sake of sacrifice

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Kaden had intended to meet with Reed, only to be greeted by a swinging door and an infuriated expression, drawing those regal brows together taut, gaze vicious and cruel.

The sinner stopped, face inches away from the open door. He calmly took a step back, raising an eyebrow. "What's the matter, master?"

Reed narrowed his eyes. "It's a matter that doesn't involve you."

"Aren't I your most loyal dog?"

"A dog that tries to bite me when I'm not looking." Reed sneered, shaking his head. "Well it doesn't matter if you know. Perhaps he'll end up a target for you, or he'll end up as mine. I've yet to decide—but a greedy fool is more use to me dead."

A laugh slipped from Kaden and he faked an apology, covering his mouth. "Is somebody ripping you off, Your Highness?"

"An idiotic, pathetic rat that doesn't know his place."

"I suppose you'll make it known?"

Reed rubbed his temples tiredly, glaring. "Don't think I'm unaware of the sarcasm dripping in your voice, dog."

"If you weren't, I'd be rather upset." said Kaden pleasantly, shrugging. "Are you off to have a little meeting with this... disobedient friend of yours?"

Kaden asked a question that he knew—Reed was never one to put things off once they escalated to a point of rousing his anger. He would act, and it would be immediate. It seemed Richard was more foolish that he thought, to be lured by greed and delusions so easily.

But perhaps it was natural—a man that got a taste of luxury could only desire more. They feared falling back into poverty, unable to return to their old life.

Then, it would only take a little more... convincing, for Richard to step out of line. The prime time to act was then and there, during their meeting. Reed never hesitated to eliminate those he concluded were more useful dead than alive.

'Be a good sacrifice for my cause, Richard Halls.'

Kaden smiled, allowing Reed to storm past. He waited, and quickly found a carriage to slide into, following the general trail without drawing too close. After getting off at a nearby location, he'd have to do a little searching to reunite with the little act of command and greed.

Thankfully, he seemed to be a magnet for trouble, soon encountering their meeting at the sides of a butcher shop, the stench of raw meat permeating the floor.

Footsteps splashed across the mudstreaked cobblestone, the swaying of long coats loud in the midst of the early morning's silence.

"Richard," Reed's smile was thin, strained and on the verge of collapse. "I can take my business elsewhere, and where would that leave you? Your success only exists because of my grace."

The commoner-turned-noble gulped visibly. "The-there's trouble finding everything you need lately. It takes a lot more resources than you think—"

"Do you honestly think I don't monitor you? The nerve you have lying to your crown prince's face. I may as well decide your punishment here and now for daring to rise against me."

Kaden looked at the cruel expression, dark and stormy and one that made those he looked down upon cower at his feet. Sighing, he leaned against the wall gazing at the dirty stream of red running from the shop's drain.

The murky crimson mixed with dirty brown, steeping into stone.

His thumb rubbed over a smooth stone—a far more advanced recording stone, able to capture vague images and display them in one's mind for a set amount of times.

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