Love Lasts Forever

Start from the beginning

But, as if Scott could feel the eyes on him, he looked up and saw Jimmy staring at him. In the few seconds after Scott made eye contact with Jimmy, a series of emotions flew through his eyes so fast you could miss it if you blinked. Scott’s face first flicked through fear, sorrow , and lastly, a look of longing that could’ve been Jimmy’s imagination. The cyan haired man quickly turned around, disappearing into the trees, his tail flicking out behind him.

Jimmy reacted quickly, jumping off of the roof and gliding down with his wings before landing softly on the ground. He raced into the trees and hurried after Scott, dodging his way through the trunks and branches before coming up behind the man he was chasing.

“Scott!” Jimmy cried out before he even knew what he was going to say.

Scott turned around his hand, resting on his sword hilt and a look of hesitation spread across his face.

“I don’t want to have to kill you, Jimmy.” Scott said, and Jimmy winced at the cold tone of his voice. “But I will.”

“I'm not here to hurt you.” Jimmy said, raising his hands up in the air in a non threatening way. “Can you hear me out?”

“Maybe.” Scott whispered, his face softening a bit.

“Scott, I’m sorry for trying to kill you.” Jimmy said, and Scott looked a bit surprised at the canary’s remark.

“All the yellows are trying to kill me. It's not that personal.” Scott said, and Jimmy laughed softly, shaking his head.

“No but I promised not to hurt you when I was on red, and that applies to yellow too.” Jimmy said, taking a slow step closer.

“What do you- Oh.” Scott said, remembering the past. “This isn't Third Life, Jimmy.”

“Wish it was.” Jimmy sighed, and he slowly reached his hand up to cup Scott's face. “I've missed you.”

Scott sighed and leaned into his touch, his eyes slipping shut. Jimmy rubbed his thumb over Scott's cheek and gently leaned closer. Scott smiled and blushed as he opened his eyes to see Jimmy staring at him. He tilted his head up and pulled gently on the collar of Jimmy's bad boy jacket.

“I will say that I might prefer you in leather.” Scott whispered, and Jimmy turned red, causing Scott to laugh softly.

The sound was like a melody, and Jimmy sighed, leaning closer to Scott.

“I love you.” Jimmy said, and Scott smiled.

“Good, I thought I was going to have to convince you.” Scott smirked, and Jimmy blushed.

“How would you do that?” Jimmy asked quietly, and Scott nodded, leaning closer.

He reached his hand up and gently brushed Jimmy's hair out of his eyes before slowly running his hand slowly down Jimmy's face and cupping his cheek. Jimmy blushed softly, and Scott winked at him.

“Convinced yet?” Scott asked, and Jimmy nodded. “Good.”

He leaned in and pressed his lips to Jimmy's, pulling him down into a kiss. Jimmy sighed and ran his fingers through Scott's hair softly with one hand while the other was curled around his cheek. He wrapped his wings around Scott, hiding them from the world, and the cyan haired man buried his hands into the feathers. They pulled apart, and Jimmy smiled as Scott laid his head on his chest and hugged him.

“I hope you can forgive me.” Jimmy whispered, and Scott looked up in surprise.

“Why would I ever do such a thing like that?” Scott asked, grinning. “I'll hold this over your head forever. Jimmy was so obsessed with me. He tried to kill me.”

“Scott, why are you like this?” Jimmy sighed, and Scott kissed him on the cheek.

“You love me.” Scott said, and Jimmy blushed red.

“I do.” He laughed and gently kissed Scott's forehead.

No matter how many obstacles the Life Series threw at Jimmy and Scott, they would always love each other. Because love is a connection forged stronger than anything else. And they loved each other, like a lot.

I love Flower Husbands, and Limited Life is the perfect opportunity to express that love! See you in the next oneshot,

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