#Urgent |  Occupation forces storm the town of Dura al-Qara', north of Ramallah

The martyr Salim Ghanem joins his brothers, the martyrs Amer and Ahmed, after 6 months, during the ongoing clashes in Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm.

#Follow |  A press statement issued by Hamas:

We immortalize the martyrs of Tulkarm, we sing praises at the hands of the resistance fighters, and we applaud their heroic confrontation of the occupation’s aggression.

🔻The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas presents to the masses of our people and nation a group of heroic martyrs who rose in the fields of sacrifice and redemption while confronting the occupation forces’ storming of Nour Shams camp, and at their forefront is the martyr Commander Muhammad Jaber “Abu Shuja,” commander of the Tulkarm Battalion in the Jerusalem Brigades, and all his heroic resistance comrades.

🔻 As we bleed our glorious martyrs, we pay tribute to the heroism of our Palestinian people, the mujahideen of the Al-Qassam Brigades, the Al-Quds Brigades, and all the resistance factions who taught the enemy a harsh lesson and strengthened it and its mechanisms.

🔻We salute the proud masses of the West Bank who are still involved in the Al-Aqsa flood;  They respond to the call to resist and defend land and honor despite the brutality and oppressiveness of the occupation, and they prove that any incursion by the occupation soldiers into the West Bank will not be a cakewalk.

🔻Our struggling Palestinian people will not allow the occupation to monopolize Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem, or any part of the country, and will confront all policies and plans of the occupation aimed at liquidating our cause and undermining our rights. It will stand as an impenetrable barrier against the arrogance of the occupation, the crimes of its settlers, and its continuous attempts to Judaize and desecrate Al-Aqsa.

🔻We emphasize the necessity of continuing and intensifying the mobilization and the Rabat, the state of general alienation in the West Bank and Jerusalem, and the escalation of confrontation, clashes, and confusion of the occupation in all regions and by various means and tools.

#Follow |  The occupation forces recently handed over the bodies of the two martyrs, Abd al-Rahman Maher Bani Fadl and Muhammad Ashraf Bani Jami’ from Aqraba, southeast of Nablus, who were killed by a settler’s bullet a few days ago.

#Image |  Demonstration in the city of Chefchaouen, northern Morocco;  In support of Gaza and condemning the ongoing occupation aggression.

#Follow |  The occupation forces arrest the liberated prisoner Uday Jaber, brother of the martyr Muhammad Jaber “Abu Shuja” from Nour Shams camp, east of Tulkarm.

#watched |  The occupation forces set up a checkpoint at the entrance to the village of Umm Tuba, stop vehicles and check ID cards

#Follow |  Hamas marries the martyrs that confronted the occupation’s storming of Nour Shams camp:

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) presented to the masses of our people and nation a group of heroic martyrs who rose in the fields of sacrifice and redemption while confronting the occupation forces’ incursion into the Nour Shams camp, and at their forefront was the martyr, Commander Muhammad Jaber “Abu Shuja,” commander of the Tulkarm Battalion in the Jerusalem Brigades, and all his resistance comrades.  Heroes.

#watched |  Human flood in Yemen during a march entitled:

“Our battle continues until Gaza wins.”

#Urgent |  Civil Defense in Gaza:

The occupation’s prevention of the entry of cooking gas portends a new health crisis due to the Palestinians’ dependence on firewood and charcoal

The Diaries of Palestine Part 2 (The 7th of October)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin