23- Dior Moretti

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The next morning I woke up to an empty bed and a note in the most beautiful cursives I had ever seen.


"I am sorry doll but I have to go . You are looking so peaceful right now so I don't want to disturb you . I will call you at afternoon."

Such a lovely man . I think I have never ever been so obsessed with someone upto  the point where I am literally blushing over a small note they left for me .

I mean Reagan is lovable . I sighed as I got up and made my way to the bathroom .

I had a long day ahead full of meetings and shit . Which did include killing people. It was like a regular thing now killing people , doing dirty business getting my hands on people and torturing them .

I was not a saint and this world was not a place to be a saint. In another universe I think it would be possible but in today's world no way . Fucking impossible.

After taking a bath and getting ready I made my way downstairs only to hear loud noises arguing .

"I knew it, I fucking knew it . You two were fucking from the start ." He shouted.

"So what we are fucking , so what if I like her. Why the fuck do you have a problem with that." Romeo said . His voice full of anger.

"She is a fucking Russian bro. She was supposed to be dead .Try to understand she will fucking ruin us." He said .

"She is not a fucking Russian . How many times do I have to say this . She is clean and fucking harmless ." Romeo shouted completely annoyed by Mitsuo.

Romeo is fucking whipped .

"How do you know . What if she is using you." Mitsuo added agitated.

"For fucks sake stay out of my bloody business . Always fucking trying to come in between me and my work." Romeo tsked . "Can't you agree with me on one thing. What's wrong with you . You have been acting so fucking strange . Get a fucking grip Mitsuo ."

I sighed as I made my way out of the house . Letting them solve their own issues . They need to bloody get themselves together and stop fighting amongst themselves .

I sat in the awaiting car and the driver drove off to my base .

I had a meeting with the Thornton's today.

They were already waiting in the meeting room when I entered in .

"Lovely to meet you beautiful ." Raven said as he got up and took my hand in his giving a lingering kiss to the back of my hand.

"Can't say the same to him , right Dior." Arden said from behind him His deep voice cold and void of any emotions. As he gave me a small handshake.

"Stop roasting me bitch." Raven sassed .

"What if I don't ." Arden said raising a perfectly arched brow at his annoyed brother who was probably on the verge of killing him.

"I lose man, ok ." Raven said raising his hands in defence and sighing as he shook his head.

"Guys it's been only a few seconds and you both are already at each others throats . How the fuck do you both stay together." I groaned as I took a seat at the white couch kept in the office .

They both shared a look and then turned towards me smirking.

"It's not like we don't have anything in common ." Raven shrugged.

"You are telling me you both have something in common." I looked at them sceptically .

"That's exactly what we are saying ." Raven added .

"Change the topic ." I said immediately already tired even before the argument began.

Raven laughed and a chuckle escaped Ardens lips.

"What gave up already . I thought you were better than this love." Raven said with that annoying smirk on his face.

"I don't care . I am tired." I said as I shrugged .

"What happened ." Arden asked .

"Mitsuo is giving me a headache . He needs to chill the fuck up ." I said as I pulled out my phone and started playing with it .

"Should I kill him ." Raven said.

"No Raven you can't just kill someone because they are fucking annoying." Arden said as he flicked Raven on the back of his head.

"Ok , ok people I am just joking ." He said as he immediately became serious .

"So ." Arden cut in . "Why the emergency meeting."

"The Russians ." I said .

"What about them ." Raven asked as he leaned forward resting his clasped hands on his knee.

"They are coming."

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