16 -Dior Morreti

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I waited for a whole fucking week to get healed and guess what the person who bloody got me in this condition is still on loose. Somewhere in the city but not traceable . At the fight he disappeared without any traces and Romeo and even Oryn are not able to track that fucker down.

That was infuriating because a bloody fucking man came out of nowhere and stabbed me . In different scenario we always caught the people who went against us or attacked us but in this case there are no traces . Not a single clue. It was like a ghost came and stabbed me.

And from my guesses this man is definitely a part of the Russians organisation . They are so going to pay for this.

I sighed as I sipped my whiskey  and stared at the fire place as flames of fire rose and stirred.

"It's 5 am in the morning Dior." Vincenzo's called out from behind.

"That's right why are you up at this time." I replied with sass.

"I came to check on you , only to find your room empty. You should be resting dear." He said as he took a sit beside me on the couch and took the glass of whiskey away from me. "And it's too early to drink."

"I can drink whenever I want." I said trying to pull the glass back from him but he shook his head and kept it away making me huff and rest my head at the back of the couch .

I was having a headache .

"So, what's wrong." He asked as he turned towards me raising his right eyebrow at me.

"Nothing ." I said shrugging. "Besides the fact that I have lots of work to do and a date to attend ."

"You are going on a date." He asked surprisingly ignoring the work part completely and I just nodded as if it meant nothing, but only I knew what I was feeling on the insides . His eyes wide open at my revelation as he perked up instantly .

"What , why are you so surprised." I said rolling my eyes at him whilst shrugging my shoulders trying to seem unfazed but on the insides only I knew the butterflies which were flying crazily since the day he asked me. I couldn't stop thinking about him. He seems so perfect and so fucking surreal.

"Because this would probably be your first time going on an apparent date." He said wiggling his eyebrows .

"Stop acting annoying .I know I have never been on a date before and I might not be knowing what to wear or how to act on a date but it's ok . I can handle it ." I said in one go but that only made Vincenzo chuckle at my dilemma .

"Look at you , so that's why you are so worried , for a date." He chuckled more . " I have never seen you worried about anything before. Hell you don't even think twice before killing someone .But here you are worrying about a date  and what dress to wear." He said chuckling more . His eyes crinkling with amusement as he laughed at me.

"Stop laughing at me , I am not worried." I said trying to deny it by shaking my head and glaring at him . But deep down I knew he was right . I for once in my life was nervous for something .

"Looks exactly opposite of that Dior." He said as he got up .

"Ok fine , Help me." I said giving up.

"Wear your favourite colour ." He replied .

"Red." I asked totally unsure.

"Giochiamo a scacchi ."(lets play Chess). He said as he diverted my mind from my current worries and Cuore Mio successfully .

"Fine ." I am down for a match anytime.


The next few hours went by in playing chess with Vincenzo and than going to few of the clubs to do business and meetings . I even went to the office to do work . And soon it was four in the afternoon .

As I was working I got a call and without glancing I picked it up .

"Doll." Oh cazzo. Reagan's deep voice reached me and my fucking heart stuttered . Shit . His voice is going to be the death of me. So fucking hot it went straight to my core.

"Cuore Mio, what a pleasant surprise." I said trying to keep my voice steady but on the insides I was giddy as fuck and this feeling was making me feel like a sap .

I need to get a grip of myself . For devils sake I was down bad for this man.

"I...I wanted to ask something ." He said nervously , his voice low and deep which stirred my insides. Oh God he is so hot. I want him.

"What is it love ." His breath hitched again. And a chuckle escaped my lips at his reaction. "Still not used to the nickname huh." I asked as a smirk formed on my face at his reaction . I love getting those reactions.

"Uh....no .I mean yes. I mean." So fucking cute , I am literally going to kiss the hell out of him when I meet him for sure. I can't wait .

"Can you tell me what colour you are going to wear today." He asked so fast it was almost impossible to make the words out for me .

"Love the way you said it . It is almost impossible for me to make it out . Say it properly ." I commanded and like the good gentle and submissive man he is he repeated his words properly.

"Uhh.. Can you tell me the colour of your dress." He said hesitantly but properly this time and almost cringing at the end. " I know this might sound cringey for me to ask it , but can you tell me ." He asked , his voice nervous and low . I could literally feel his nervousness through the phone.

"Why , do you want to match." I asked as a grin formed on my face .

"Ye...yes." He said . And that literally had me melting . And I can for real literally get on my knees for this man. Fuck.

"Red." I said not teasing him further and giving him any more trouble .

"Re..red." Yes love red.

"Yes. Anything else."

"Can I pick you at Five."

"Why so early ." I asked curiously .

"Because .. where we have to go is a little away from the city." He said .

"Sure." I said . But I wanted to know what he had planned in his mind for the date but refrained from asking because I knew he won't say anything.

"Ok." He said . "Can I keep the call know." Such a fucking gentleman . I can't wait to meet him .

"Of course Baby , see you soon."

"Ye..yes Doll . Bye ."  He cut the call and I sighed .

So I have 45 minutes to get ready great .

Let's go .

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