10- Dior Moretti

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My week went by with me completing most of my work. It was hectic to say the least. I was fucking exhausted. Romeo was back home too.

And I had to go to China for that apparent meeting with Mr Ling's son . I had no idea why he wanted me to meet his son. He was our biggest customer in Asia . He ran the Chinese Mafia and I knew better than making myself his enemy . I am powerful , everyone knows . But Chinese mafia is powerful too. And I would be irresponsible as the head of a business to loose an asset like them.

I knew everything about them. Their whole family background . Every transactions , every business deal, all their illegal stuff. I had Oryn  who would check all this information for me. The tech guru. No one knows who they are , whether a man or a woman. But whoever they are , they are just incredible at their work.

My  mind drifted back to Reagan . I had asked Oryn to provide every known information about Reagan Ashford and there was nothing fishy about him . But knowing my fucked up trust issues , I had to be careful.

He didn't even have any partner or girlfriend in his past. And it is quite difficult to process this info seeing as Reagan is like a walking sex on legs. And all I could think about since I met him was how I would fuck the living day lights out of him.

Meirda .

I need to control my thoughts. But thinking about him had my mind reeling  with some really unholy thoughts. Thoughts where it included him and me bare and naked , hot and bothered. His lips on mine , breathes mingled . My hands all over him exploring him as if he was a map and I wanted to find a destination .

Fuck . This is not a time to get turned on . But it was too late I was fucking soaked just at the thought of Cuore Mio .

I sighed as I stood up from my desk utterly uncomfortable . I needed a release but I was too tired to use my hand. So I decided to just take a cold shower and take some rest.


The next morning I was sitting in my private jet as we made our way to China.

Mitsuo was sitting right across me as we had a stare down .

I sighed as I asked him the question which was hanging between us for days. I wanted to know what was up with him . What the hell was wrong with him and why the hell was he acting so weird suddenly.

"What is up with you ? Why the fuck are you acting like this." I asked. My was calm .He certainly was not prepared for what I threw at him but he remained calm too.

"I....I am . I don't know." He struggled to form a sentence as he looked everywhere but me.

"Mitsuo , what's wrong with you. You have been acting out of your character for days know. Don't you think you need to talk to someone . If you don't want to share it with me , than you can talk to someone else." I argued, he was looking outside the window and than turned towards me . But averted his eyes downwards towards his laced fingers.

"I can't , it will ruin everything." He said shaking his head as if trying to find the right words to speak.

"Ruin what .I don't understand . If you won't mind it would be better if don't talk to me in riddles. It irritates me." I said. Completely annoyed by his attitude .

"I did a mistake." He blurted out , his eyes wide. staring at me. I was completely thrown off by his question but my expression didn't change.

"What did you do." I asked a frown on my face. As I tried to figure out what he wanted to say.

"I ...may or may not have threatened the son of Russian mafia's leader Vladimir . He was fucking drunk and ..and was annoying the fuck out of me. So I grabbed him his collar and got into a fight with him." He said all in one go .

"And why would you do that." I said my voice rising a bit . Russians were our rivals and they just didn't get along with us . It was fucking obvious . And Mitsuo here just revealed something that might start a war between us .

"I didn't know he was Vladimir's son , fuck I should have told you earlier ." He said , his voice low as he stared at me.

"Really." I said . Sarcasm dripping from my mouth .How dare he do such a thing . Creating a war between two rivals . I had managed to keep the rivalry at bay , avoiding every single way to start a war or give them a chance to start against us. But Mitsuo just . Fuck .

"How could you do such a thing . He didn't even. Cazzo." He flinched at my tone.

"We will talk about this when we reach New York. You have started a war Mitsuo." Fuck. "You knew fucking  knew about this . Our rivalry with them , how could you . This is fucking irresponsible of you . That's the reason why they sent that man didn't they." He just nodded his head. Why didn't he say this earlier .

Fuck .

There's going to be death soon . I can feel it.


We had reached China a few hours ago and I was already on my way to the meeting , I didn't have time to take rest . Because all I wanted was to get this over with .  Go back to New York and have a talk with Vincenzo. Russians were not going to stay calm now , they had got a reason to go against us . A man from my gang had started a fight against his son , no way in hell will they stay calm.

Mafia men are fucking savage , they are not the ones who would leave such an opportunity . They would and they will want to take over our business . And Mitsuo here just gave them one .

So therefore here I was making my way through the crowded streets of China . The night life here was insane . There were women here were absolutely stunning although  they were practically naked . On the other end there were men who just by there looks anyone would say they were in shitty business . From high ranking mafia men to the filthiest of thieves everyone were present . Hmm . Interesting.

We were being eyed down by every men and women as soon as we arrived . Curiosity lingering in their gazes. I was wearing a black mini dress with a cigarette perched in between my lips . Mitsuo was walking besides me in complete silence ,a stern and alert look on his face .A smirk formed on my lips at the thought that I without even trying had captured everyone's attention.

Inside the club there was loud music playing , people dancing and giving in on their desires. I made my way behind the man who guided us towards the black doors behind whom sat Mr Ling's  son . He was filthy and sleazy from what I knew . I had his information in my hand before I even met him . He was into trafficking people and exploiting them. But no one knew how he looked like .

He was sleazy and disrespectful from what I knew and I was already dreading meeting him . But I had no other option , because Vincenzo had warned me to meet him. Usually they are the ones who listen to me but he requested me to meet this man. Anyways these meeting was really important so I as well , went with the plan.

Let's see how this goes.

And let's pray no one ends dead tonight.

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