7- Dior Moretti

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"What is it?" I asked as I made my way towards Mitsuo.

"Why the hell is this Reagan Ashford everywhere you go." He said irritatedly.

"He is an elite , a heir to a big company. So obviously he would be here too." I stated matter of factly.

He sighed as he ran his hand through his dark hairs. He looked tired . He looked like he would pass out any second.

"Mitsuo ." I said as I stepped closer to him . "What is it ?" I asked.

"It's nothing ." He said dismissively.

"Yes it is." I said to him. "You are hiding something , you have been acting weird lately. If you won't talk to me I won't be able to understand."

He closed the distance between us and hugged me , I hesitated but hugged him back. I was uncomfortable but I didn't complain .And soon he literally melted in my touch. He hid his face in my neck .

"I." But before he could finish his sentence a gun shot went off and I flinched as the bullet hit right at my forearm.

I turned around clutching my arm as I saw a glimpse of a man wearing mask entering inside the deserted hallway. A gun pointed at me.

I heard shouts and chaos starting in the main hall . Mitsuo started firing at the guy with his own gun not before pulling me behind him and soon their were bullets flying here and there . More men piled in with guns .

I took out my own gun and started firing too. I walked out from behind Mitsuo , and as I walked I tore a part of my dress and made a makeshift bandage around my wound.

I kicked a guy right in his chest as he doubled over and I shot him right at his head . Dead.

Soon I was fighting two men at a time .

But everyone were dead as soon as my men came in and started killing the people who attacked me .

Mitsuo was holding the guy who shot me . As he threw him towards our men and ordered them to take him to the warehouse .

I was already loosing my consciousness . And all I could hear was Mitsuo shouting at me to talk to him as he carried me to the car and the last thing I knew was him shouting at the driver to take us to the compound.


I woke up to my shoulder hurting like a bitch . I was back in my room . It was still night and nobody was around. I stood up and made my way towards the bathroom . My dress was bloody ruined . It was splattered with blood everywhere . My shoulder was now bandaged and a splint was given. I took a bath and changed into a cropped grey hoodie and grey shorts.

I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen where I heard voices coming from.

Vincenzo and Mitsuo sat there with cigars and glass of whiskey in each hand. I walked towards them and took a sit besides Vincenzo . I took the glass kept on the platform and took a sip , they both stared at me as if I had grown two heads.

"What ?" I questioned as I took another sip.

"You do know you just got shot right ." Vincenzo said raising one eyebrow.

"Yes so what." I shrugged .

"That's unhealthy." Mitsuo said . As he pointed his finger towards the glass in my hand.

"And I care ." I said rolling my eyes. A migraine was forming in my head and my shoulder was aching . I wanted nothing else but to kill someone.

But instead of giving in on my inner demons request of killing someone. I just released a tired sigh .

Jane walked in , she was our cook .Vincenzo probably called her this late at night to cook something for me .

"Oh my god ." She exclaimed as soon as she saw me." Sweetheart are you alright."

"Yes Jane I am fine , thank you for your concern." I said as I stood up . She asked me what I wanted to eat and after eating I made my way towards the car Vincenzo and Mitsuo right behind me.

"You can talk to that bastardo tomorrow ." Vincenzo said.

"No." I said dismissing him as I made my way into the car. Them following behind. "I want to talk to him right now,I want to know who he is and for whom does he work for. I also have to talk to that ragazza."

And soon we were at the warehouse.


I entered the room where the man was kept . He was strapped to the chair with his wrists and legs chained . He was in his late 50's .

He glared at me as soon as he lifted his gaze which was hanging low due to all the beatings that he received before I got here.

"Hello ." I said as I sat right in front of him. He just bared his teeth at me , struggling against his restraints.

"Let me go ." He shouted . His voice creating a scratching voice in my ears.

"Can you please not shout, I have sensitive ears. And I have a terrible migraine right know so you better keep your voice in check ." I said as I stared him straight in his eyes . And he had the curtesy of rolling his eyes at me and smirking at me .

"I will do whatever the hell I want bitch, who do you think you are to tell me ." He said.

The audacity.

I chuckled at him and his smirk dropped. I showed him the Tab which was kept on the table . It was a live footage of his daughter going to the place where she worked in Greece. He shouted at me to keep her out of this.

"Will you speak up or do you expect me to kill someone dear to you, Hmm."

"You are just like your father you know ." He shouted . "Fucking crazy."

"No please , don't insult me like that ." I said as I stood up sipping the strawberry milkshake that Jane made for me.

"I am much worse than him." I huffed.

"Let me go ." He shouted again .

"What did I tell you about shouting . Huh." I said. "You have exactly five seconds before you start speaking or else your daughter won't see the next morning."

"No please . I don't know anything ." He pleaded sweat dripping down his bald forehead.

"I was just given the target and the money , I don't know the reason as to why I had to kill you. All I know is the man who gave me this work is from here . New York." He said. Fear dripping from his voice. Easy.

"Hmm , I do not like liars Oleksander and if I find out you lied to me , I will make sure to find you in hell and kill you again. Do you understand." I said as I leaned on the table.

"No please don't kill me. I said everything you asked about . Please I don't know anything. Please let me go I have a daughter . Please." He sobbed . His sobbing only increased my migraine.

I quickly made my way out where Vincenzo and Mitsuo were waiting . They stood up as soon as I stepped out .

"Kill him. He is useless." I said to Vincenzo who nodded at one of the men who quickly went inside.

"Now let's visit Kasia , shall we." I said as I made my way towards the last room .

I heard a gunshot as I walked down the passageway .


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