13- Dior Moretti

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Fuck me.

I was down bad. Straight up knocked out.


I kissed him and I would be lying if I would say I am not obsessed . Because I fucking am . I sound like a teenager having her first kiss. But I had this feeling so unknown I was not able to comprehend.

As soon as I kissed him . Their were fucking sparks. That's cringe as fuck . But I don't fucking care . Because that's how I felt . On cloud fucking nine.

And the best thing was that he had never kissed anyone before. And I could tell that by the way he froze as soon as I kissed him. He was inexperienced and that shit for some reason satisfied me. Call me toxic for all I care.

He didn't move for ten minutes until he relaxed and mimicked my actions.

Fucking adorable.

Till this date I didn't find anyone adorable but Reagan , he was the walking and breathing definition of adorable and gentleman.

He didn't even touch me as we kissed .

As soon as I pulled away from him our breathing were fast and rapid. As if we had run a mile long marathon.

But fuck ,did I love that feeling.

His eyes were closed , his breathing rapid and his chest heaving . My hands moved from his cheeks to his throat , one hand squeezing his neck the other going around his shoulder . His breathe hitched at my actions as he opened his eyes and stared at me.

Fuck those eyes . They are going to be the death of me.

"Fuck Cuore Mio tell me to stop ." I groaned as I squeezed his throat a little more . What a sight.

And he only did the opposite of what I asked him to do , he fucking moaned.

Oh shit . That's fucking hot and fucking illegal.

"Please." He said as he stared at me through hooded eyes. Desire swirling in his blue eyes . His shirtless self was not helping he was absolutely beautiful with a lean body nothing bulky but definitely to die for . I pecked him on his lips. And as my sight moved further down I found him hard and straining against his pants. So fucking tempting.

Feeling my eyes on him he blushed crimson red . I am sure my eyes were showing lust . Lust for him . Lust to make him mine . Lust to fuck him senseless. But soon realisation struck me like a lighting .

I cleared my throat as I created some distance between us.

"Not today." I said. My voice strained with desire . I know I will regret my decision later but I need to stop now.

"Why ." He said almost immediately which made me look at me amusedly he realised what he said and blushed as he looked down not meeting my eyes.

So fucking submissive.

I sighed as I moved away from him and stood up , he stood up as well .

"I have to go."

"But..but you just came." He said. Disappointed .

"Do you want me to stay Cuore Mio." I said as I filled the space between us my hand resting on his chest as his breath hitched again.


" Let's go." I said as I took a hold of his hand and made my way towards what I assumed is his walk in closet . Grabbing the nearest piece of cloth hanging which thankfully was a hoodie I gave it to him.

He quickly put it on and I dragged him downstairs making sure to not make a single voice.

He stayed quit the entire time until we reached my car. I ushered him in the passenger seat , moving forwards and clicking his seat belt in place as I pulled back my eyes found his looking at my breast a so I made sure I brushed my chest against him on purpose , he blushed at my actions and cleared his throat and adjusted himself.

I made my way towards the drivers side and soon we were out of his estate .

His eyes did linger worriedly on the knocked out guards which this time were knocked out by my men before I arrived . They did a good job.

"Don't worry ." I said " They are not dead ." He nodded still worried.

"Where are we going ."

"I am hungry Cuore Mio." I said as I briefly looked at him . "Even though I had a taste of you it was still not enough." He blushed. Cute.

"Where do you wanna go." I asked as I kept driving.

"Uhh.... McDonalds." He said . "I have never ....never been there before."

"Ok." I said as I swerved the car on the next right turn as I took off to the nearest McDonalds.

After we were there we had our food and talked for an hour and after leaving him back at his mansion I made my way to my fight club.

Today was going to be another long night.

Because I had a fight today.


After I reached their I spotted Romeo and Mitsuo  at the VIP section where they were surrounded by women and I noticed Kasia sitting there too right besides Romeo his hand draped around her shoulder with another woman on his lap.

Mitsuo was with a woman eating each others face off. What a careless ,prick here there were Russians ready to kill us anytime and he was having fun.

I rolled my eyes at them and made my way towards the changing room. After changing and getting ready for the fight . The announcement for the fight was made .

Today I was fighting against Michael . One of the best underground fighters in our ring. He was amazing and I admired him . We were not enemies or anything but whenever there was a fight I would never miss a chance to fight against him.

He was not an easy win and that made me want to always have a round with him. He was also my trainer when I was younger and that only made me fight him more.

So here I was taking a deep breath as I made my way outside , the announcer called out my and all the yells and hoots suddenly stopped at my entrance .

This was my power . And as soon as I raised my hand and signalled them to relax they all started hooting and yelling and chanting my name .

Michael was already in the ring waiting for me . And as soon as I entered we did a fist bump.

"Watch out princess I am going to kick your ass today ." He said .

"I would like you to try Michael."

"Don't forget , I am the one who taught you everything you know today." He said which made me smirk.

"You taught me to be better than you Michael , don't forget it." I replied .

And than the referee blew the whistle.

I am going to win this .

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