9- Dior Moretti

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I made my way through the barely lit hallways of my warehouse towards the last room where the woman Kaisa Evans was kept hostage.

She was awake by now and she certainly was not calm because I could hear her shouts from the other end of the hallway.

I sighed . Why the hell do people shout so much . People really do give me headache. I had tons of work to complete. My shoulder was hurting. I had a headache and a migraine growing up. And I wanted nothing but to go meet Cuore Mio. Fuck I was obsessed .

I really needed to calm down and stop thinking about him.

I opened the door of the room and immediately her shouts subsided. The woman for sure was a beauty .

Even though she was in a state where she was helpless , covered in sweat , tied up to a chair in the middle of the room and completely distressed she still looked like an angel.

Mitsuo was standing right behind me as he glared at the woman . He was really really upset with her. I internally rolled my eyes at him. He sure as hell knew how to overreact .

I made my way towards her and sat in front of her. Her eyes zeroing on my bandage and then towards my face.

"Hello" I said . "I hope you are enjoying your stay here." I moved forward and removed the stray hairs which were coming in front of her eyes. She flinched as soon as I did the action.

"Kill me already. Why am I still alive." She asked straight away as she glared at me with fire in her eyes.

"That would be a waste . Don't you think so ." I said . "Such a beauty dead .I would rather have you alive and breathing just so I can look at you." I finished. Her eyes were wide as she huffed.

"I would rather choose death than be anywhere near your presence." She said .

"Well than , if  you wish to die . You would have to state the purpose as to why you want to kill me . I am sure you must be having a reason Kasia" I said.

"Your father ruined my family. He killed my mother and I was left alone . I don't remember where my brother or my father is. All of this happened when I was barely ten years old ." She said as tears dropped down her face but she continued.

" I am here to kill your entire family, I want to kill your father for ruining my life not only mine but my entire family's life." She finished , her breathing harsh as she shouted the last words.

"Let's not talk about my family or yours . Ok . Tell me Kasia how old are you." I asked .Her head whipped towards me , as she gave me the are you for real stare.

"20." She said with wary. She blinked her eyes as tears were still dripping down her eyes .

"Hmm. Where did you grow up." I asked further.

"Why do you wanna know ." She snarled.

"Do not talk to her like that ." Mitsuo warned Kasia. Her eyes met his behind me before she turned them back down towards me.

"It's Ok Mitsuo ." I said as I turned towards Mitsuo . " Just Curious ." I said as I again turned towards Kasia.

"I lived here in New York in an orphanage." She said and suddenly her emotions drifted . "All because of your father even though I had a family I had to live away from them in dirt ,you have no fucking idea how much I had to endure there, without anyone to love me ." She said as more tears came out.

"Sweetheart he's dead." I said . Her eyes widened dramatically at my revelation.

"No no no he cannot die ." She screamed at me . "I want to kill him. I will kill him ." She thrashed in her seat as she struggled against her binds , if she would cry anymore I am sure she will pass out from exhaustion .

"Well, guess your plan just got ruined.Your revenge is already taken so you don't have to worry. And calm down, I don't like people who shout." I said ,my voice dark .She immediately shut up at my warning.

"You should kill her." Mitsuo said from behind me his voice cold just like his stare and even Vincenzo agreed. But I had other plans.

"Yes Please , kill me." Kasia said as she glared at Mitsuo. If looks could have killed I am sure Mitsuo would be  buried six feet under the ground by now.

But Mitsuo just ignored her and rolled his eyes.

"No" I said standing up and turning around as I made my way outside.

"Why ." Vincenzo asked. "Yes ,Why." Kasia mockingly shouted from inside the room but I didn't bother answering her as I moved further away from her .

"Train her , we will find her family." That were my last words before everyone went silent . They knew better than questioning me . Even though I knew Mitsuo wanted to oppose he kept quiet . And Vincenzo just nodded his head.


It was four in the morning when I made my way through the gates of the Ashford mansion . Their was a long driveway surrounded by trees on either side .

The guard at the gate was passed out . I had already hacked into the security system so there was no way anyone would know through the camera . I had 10 minutes till I reached his room.

But the problem were the guards at the main door of the mansion. Hmm guess they would have to take a nap too.

I parked my car and made my way towards the entrance . I came behind one guard . The other one was dozing off so there was no way would he see me.

I quickly injected the dosage to make him faint for a few minutes and did the same with the other guard .

And soon I was inside and after a few minutes I was sitting in Reagan's room .

He was flabbergasted to see me . His eyes wide and filled with fear when he saw me ,but than he relaxed soon . He looked so peaceful sleeping .

And the fact that he was wearing matching grey night dress made him look fucking adorable.

Shit what the hell is wrong with me . I don't fucking talk about someone like that . I do not have time for this , for someone .I am not made for being with someone.

My father's words rang in my mind like a broken record , if I love someone I ruin them . That's what he said . That's what I do , I ruin people. And I am sure I will ruin him too .

But I ignored my mind for the first time in my life and decided to go with whatever was left in my heart .

After spending some time with him I made my way back to my house. And took a shower and went back to my compound to complete my pending work.

I had tones of signature to do . Lots of meetings to attend. Check shipments . Visit sites. I had to go to China and than to Italy for meetings. I had to check on the new recruits too even though Vincenzo and Romeo had checked them .

I was packed for the entire upcoming week.

Meirda( fuck) I want to visit Cuore Mio again.

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