5- Reagan Ashford

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I couldn't sleep the whole night.

I tried to reassure myself that it was the first and the last time I would meet her , but my heart was just not ready to comprehend it.

I wanted to meet her again.

Talk to her , listen to her addictive voice. It was as if a siren was calling me , with her sweet voice . Pulling me into the depth of the ocean. Drowning me into misery .

I just met her once . And I was already losing my resolve.

I had to stay focused. But I couldn't . So to distract myself I started reading a book and it successfully diverted my mind . For the night.


The next morning I made my way towards the dinning room.

There he was my father , totally absorbed in his phone. Probably reading the daily news or checking out his schedule.

My relation with him was strained , from beginning and as soon as my mother died he saw me just as his heir and nothing else. I hated it, I hated him.

And His assistant , was another person that I hated so much .She was an idiot . I would never call a woman idiot but everyone knew it that this woman was. And the fact that she was fucking my father was unsettling and disgusting . She was just 28 whereas my father was the age of being her father.

I can't even believe this was the man who once loved my mother. But soon after my mother passed away , he became the way he is right know. It was pathetic how easily he moved on , it was as if he was already cheating on her and her death was the only thing which actually helped him . Because now he doesn't have to hide his affairs.

"Good morning Reagan." My father's stern voice greeted me.

"Good  good morning." I said . I didn't want to talk to him . I didn't want to talk to anyone in this house.

I hated it here.

"You have a meeting today." He said.

"Yes  yes I know." I replied , my voice clipped.

"Look at me when I talk to you Reagan." He said. Annoyance clear in his voice . He always scolded me as if I was a small child . I was 25  not a kid. He didn't need to necessarily call out to me and treat me as if I didn't know shit.

"Yes, I know I have a meeting with Mr Alonso and then I have to attend another meeting about the new product that we are going to launch , we also have an opening ceremony of the new hotel and lastly I have to go attend the masquerade tonight." I said in one go. I don't how I was able to say that without stuttering but I was proud of myself for saying that.

I mentally patted my back for that. And after seeing my father's shocked expression a smirk formed on lips.

I knew he was going to give me a earful so before he could reply .

"You have a meeting too , so you should probably hurry up .Otherwise I am sure Mr Arturo won't be too happy about it. And I know it's an important deal." Satisfaction coursed through my veins at the thought that I had successfully shut him up.

I stood up and took my plate in the kitchen , even though I know I shouldn't not. There were people for it . That's what father said , but I never listened to him.

And soon I was sitting in the backseat of my car as Sam my driver took me to the office. And as I looked out the window only one thought came to my mind.


And soon I was lost in her thoughts.


After completing all my work I was back home and was getting ready for the masquerade.

I was not at all in the mood to go to the ball. It was a waste of time . Literally . And my anxiety didn't help at all. Sighing . I made my way down stairs and was waiting for Seena as she was joining me for the ball too.

Seena was daughter of Mr Rivers .He was an important business associate and I had a very close relationship with him . Since he knew me from childhood. His daughter Seena is my best friend too.

We used to always hangout together and we also went to college together. And till date we are best friends.

I checked my reflection in the glass wall . I was wearing a black tuxedo and a black mask . Basic.

Hearing the clinking of heels . I turned to find Seena walking towards me . Adorning a pink dress .She was looking beautiful . I always saw Seena as my sister , she  always reminded me of my deceased little sister.


"You you look beautiful Seena ." I said .

"You don't look bad yourself Reagan ." She said as she linked her arms with me and soon we were off to the Masquerade .

The whole ride Seena wouldn't stop her ranting. It was as if she had never spoke a word before and today she was given a chance to talk for the first time.

She could literally talk on any subject and that too anywhere.

As soon as we reached the venue the paparazzi and the flashes started . And soon the act of being alright started too.

My anxiety was so high right now that my hands were shaking , therefore I had tucked them in my pockets to hide them.

After passing the red carpet we were inside the party and that's where I sighed a breath of relief .I swear if we couldn't have been fast enough I would have got a panic attack .

My eyes took in the surrounding as eyes turned towards us. I guided Seena to our respected seats and I was just going to take my seat when my eyes landed on her.

If she was looking stunning yesterday right now she looked ravishing .

She was wearing a white dress , which flowed a bit behind and a white mask which had feathers and silver design in it.

My breath hitched when our eyes met and I got all nervous as I saw her making her way towards me .

Oh God.

Coming here was not worthless after all.

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