12- Reagan Ashford

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I was currently sitting in my office working .

No wait thinking , thinking about the one and only woman who has been on my mind since the day we met at the bar for the first time . The first first time when I called her a doll .

The prettiest doll . To ever exist.How can someone be so pretty I have no idea. I cannot stop thinking about her. It was as if she had casted a spell on me , a spell which cannot be broken no matter what.

"Sir, you have a meeting in 10."

How can I get so obsessed with someone who I have met only a few times.

Fuck. I need to get a grip on myself .


She is getting too much on my head . I have to do something about my oh so little crush on the most dangerous  and seductive and beautiful and the list goes on and on Dior Moretti.

"Sir." A loud voice cut my train of thoughts, making me stand up immediately from my seat , simultaneously knocking the paper weight off the table with me. I tried to catch it but I couldn't.

I sheepishly looked up to see my personal assistant Xavier standing there and looking at me with a surprised and what the hell are you doing look on his face .

"Yes Xavier." I said calmly as I picked the paper weight off the floor. And took my seat again .

How clumsy and embarrassing am I ?

Well I know the answer.

I am bloody twenty six and I am daydreaming about a woman who I am sure must have forgotten about me by now. What is wrong with me . I know I have never been in a relationship before and I do not understand this silly crush of mine . But I really wanted to meet her again and possibly go on a date with her.

The thought of going on a date with her made me giddy on the insides. I am acting like a girl .

Shit . I need to stop.

"Sir you have a meeting in ten minutes ." He said again a little bit irritated this time. Clearing my throat I sat up straighter .

"Ok." I said as I stood up and made my way towards the meeting hall with Xavier following behind me.

I need to get a grip of myself .


I want to meet her again.

It's been a week since I met her . Where has she been. What is she doing . Does she even remember me .

All this questions were eating me up alive . I just want to know where she was . I had completed my work for the day and I was on my way home .

Home. I wish I could feel homely there but it felt suffocating . I just wanted someone who would love me and understand me .

Ever since mom's death their was no one absolutely no one who would look after me . My father being the most ignorant and worst father figure to ever exist .

I don't even know how I grew up. With those nannies and maids . Everything was systematic and all about making my father proud . By being active academically and also in sports .It was tiring and still till date I have to work all day long so that I would be worthy enough to gain my fathers approval for taking over the business .

I could have started my own and left this house as soon as I turned 18 but I couldn't because I had promised mom that I would never leave father alone . No matter how bad he treats me. My mother made me promise , which I cannot break . It would be disrespectful .

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