21- Dior Moretti

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I wanted to stay , but maybe next time .

We were currently on our way to my mansion in his car as the driver drew us back . I was currently sitting on Reagan's lap . How did I ended up there I have no fucking idea , but I was enjoying it and that's what really matters. The front of the car was separated by the back from a film in between .

My lips were pressed against Reagan's neck . As a whimper escaped his lips. Fuck I need to stop .

"Doll...doll ." Ugh his fucking innocent deep voice.

"I can't fucking resist you love." I said as I pulled back staring at his captivating eyes, I can drown and die in them.

"Will I ... will I get to see you again ." He asked shyly as he stared in my eyes through his glasses .

"Whenever you want love." I said without any hesitation. Smirking at him.

Cazzo I am whipped .

"Wh..when." He asked almost immediately as his eyes lit up .

"Why so desperate love ." I asked as my smirk widened at him which made him immediately lower his gaze as a blush appeared in his face.

"I ... I love spending time with you. I.. I .. all I can think about is you . All day long ."

"Fuck baby . You are killing me with this sweet talks of your's ." I groaned as I tilted his chin up making him look at me . I guess I have to say this.

Fuck it .

"Stay with me tonight." I said staring deeply in his eyes . Tracing my fingers through his hairs and pulling him closer towards my face inches away from kissing . He tried to cover the space in between us but I backed my face away a little bit .

He again tried to kiss me but I didn't let him . Leaning in but barely touching his lips. His gaze turned towards my lips and his lips parted .

"Really." He said leaning in .

"You don't want to ." I said raising one eyebrow as I again leaned in but backed off as soon as he tried to kiss me. I chuckled at his frustrated expression and finally kissed him . Tugging at his hair and pulling him in as close as humanly possible . He responded almost immediately sucking and nibbling .

"I wa...want to ." He said pulling back and looking down at my hand on his chest .

"Than stay ." I said .

And soon we were back home with me practically dragging Reagan through the halls of my house I didn't intend on doing anything to him other than just spending some time with him getting to know him.

The first I did was go towards Romeo's room on the first floor and knocked on his door for god knows how many times . He opened the door looking absolutely disheveled and might I add panting like a fucking dog .

His eyes went wide as soon as he saw me and than Reagan .

"What the hell." He muttered .

"Yeah, what the hell." I added too. But he just sighed .

"What do you want Dior." He said as he ran a hand through his hairs .

"I want a clean and fresh pair of your clothes . Thank you." I said totally ignoring the fact that he was probably fucking someone.

"And why would I do that." He said raising his one single eyebrow at me.

"Because you wouldn't want the girl inside to wait will you." I said smirking at him. The smug look washed off his face as his eyes widened as a deer caught in front of the light.

"Wh..what." His words faltered.

"We will talk about it later . Can you now not waste our time and just give me the clothes." I said getting irritated by the waste of time.

"Fine." He grunted as he disappeared in his room.

Reagan just stood there like a good boy his hand still in mine as he fiddled with the ring on my finger. Twisting and turning it around.

And soon we were back in my room .


We were asleep in my bedroom with him beside me . Sleeping like a baby with his perfect chiseled face . His eyes closed and his breathing even as his chest rose and fell to the rhythm . And all I could do was stare at him , at his beautiful face . His eyelashes long and beautiful as they touched his cheeks . His eyebrows arched to perfection . His jaw strong and his jawline prominent and sharp .

How could a person be so perfect I had no idea but Reagan was just above all the compliments . He was fucking irresistible and in a way where all I could think about was him.

He was off limits for a rogue like me but I was selfish to let him go . He was clean and off any illegal records and here I was banned in many cities and countries . Wanted in lists of many government lists for criminals and fuck was dangerous .

I had killed and did some crazy shit which even devil would frown upon to . But I swear I was mesmerised by Reagan and all I could think about was to make him mine in some way or other.

I was lost in my thoughts . Probably too much that I was suddenly startled by a gunshot which made me immediately sit up . Even Reagan shot up and looked here and there as fear struck his face and a shriek escaped his mouth.

I immediately stood up and pulled out my gun from the drawer and tucked a knife in the waistband of the shorts that I was wearing.

I turned towards Reagan .

"Do not leave this room . Okay ." I said as I made my way towards the door.

"Where are you going ." He asked hastily . "Don't go ."

"I will be back in a minute love." Now this is going to be so much fun .

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