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Oh well.

So much for me going back to my kidnapper. I was seated with Ashley in the apartment, eating a sandwich Ashley had made me while I just contemplated my life choices.

Was I supposed to start going back to uni?

"Well, yeah. It's not like you're hurt. And
also, the midterms are coming up so you can't really miss those last minute lectures, it helps a lot." Ashley said rolling her eyes. I groaned at the thought, not realising I had spoken out loud.

Ever since Ashley found out what I had done, all her worries literally evaporated. She told me I was an idiot who couldn't control her hormones and that I should just forget everything happened.

Besides, she is right. Not that I should forget everything, I should go back to school. And it's true, nothing bad really happened. I could just go on with my life as normal. And that is what I should be doing.

But I can't seem to shake the feeling in my stomach. I get it, you gotta do a background check and get to know everything about the wrong person you kidnapped, but barging into my home when Ashley was there and going in my room?

That just seemed unnecessary and stupid.

I thought about the closet and wondered if that's how he knew the exact size of clothes I wear.

It made me mad. I knew I had to do something about it. I couldn't just sit around and wait for him to make an appearance again.

So today, I decided to take my evening class at 4. Going to uni wasn't all bad. The students were pretty fun and I got along well too. But it felt so weird just going back to school after getting kidnapped.

While the class was going on, I saw a guy dressed in complete black enter the room quietly. His face was covered in a mask but there was something so similar about him I couldn't quite put my finger on.

I turned to listen to the professor's lecture, trying not to zone out. It's always when my exams are near, my mind stops focusing on the smallest of things.

As the class ended, all the students quickly signed the attendance sheet. Our professor had asked us to sign the attendance sheet after the class was over because most of them used to just ditch the class. I understood those students.

When I went up the desk to sign my attendance, I realised something weird. I was absent for around 3 or 4 days, but the attendance sheet had my name signed, that I came to class all those days.

"What the.." I let out, not understanding. Had one of my friends done this. But none of them were as close to me to do this. Uni students are always busy as fuck. And I'm sure as hell Ashley didn't do it since she doesn't even attend the class and she probably wasn't even attending her own class, worrying where I might have been.

"Hey can you like hurry up, we don't have all day." A girl behind me with red hair said as I moved out of her way, confused and getting paranoid.

My mind immediately jumped on Val. Just how much had he invaded my life? My house? Now my uni? Did he already know me before? When we were at the bar. When we first met. Did he start stalking me since then?

Chills ran down my spine when I realised that he could even be watching me at this very moment.

I quickly scanned the hallway while walking to the library, paranoia creeping into my feelings.

There was a book I needed to return and I was going to get the hell out of here as soon as possible.

I reached the library and returned the book, keeping a lookout of anyone suspicious.

I noticed the same masked guy wearing the complete black outfit who was in my class before and as soon as he saw me looking at him, he turned around and started walking away.

He could have been anyone bit why the fuck did he walk away as soon as I saw him? But I couldn't let him away. No way in hell. I was going to kick his ass, whoever he was.

"Hey-wait." I called out, rushing after him. But by the time I exited, he was nowhere to be seen. I sighed taking my phone out of my bag and called Ashley.

I was right, he was... spying on me? I told Ashley my suspicion and she joked about how I was not that important that someone would go out their way just to stalk me but she believed me. That's all that mattered.


The next day at uni, Ashley had come with me after I told her my theory and she was mad.

"You know for being in a mafia, he's a scared little bitch sending his minions to do his dirty work." She says, running a hand through her hair.

"Ashely...he isn't in a mafia and also why would he come himself? He's a rich bastard who has money to waste. Also, are you okay? You look like you pulled an all-nighter." I comment on her as she sighs. She looked so stressed, dark circles forming under her eyes.

"He is in a mafia, there's no better explanation. And yeah, there's this microbiology test we have and I want to kill myself because Professor Shane hates me and no matter what I do, he's a bitch and I swear to god if he was a student I would wrangle his-"

"-God Ashley, I think you need a moment off from studies. Let's go get coffee?" I ask her as she smiles and nods.

We walk up to the Cafe and Ashley gives the cashier our order as I go and take a seat. I look around and notice a guy sitting on a table across from ours reading a newspaper. He was the only person sitting alone.

The newspaper covered him, not letting me see who he was but I was starting to feel suspicious of him. That's when I noticed that there were two holes in the newspaper allowing him to see over to our table.

"Qhat thw fuck..."

Just then, someone- Ashley- grabbed it from his hand and crumpled it.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Putting holes in the newspaper? That was so fucking obvious." She said, crossing her arms as the guy- the same one who was following me yesterday, spoke.

"Well I couldn't exactly just walk behind her, could I? It's kinda hard to see through newspaper, miss." He said rolling his eyes.

"Excuse me? I'm sure as hell that I'm younger than you, you bitch" Ashely gapes at him, flinching.

I walked up to his table, my eyes narrowing. The voice was so similar. I swear I'd heard it before.

"Wait a minute- you're, I've seen you b-before?" I stuttered out not being able to recognize him.

Then it clicked, his quirky comeback made it a little more obvious.

"Ares?" I ask wide eyed. He looks at me, removes his mask to reveal his face. I was right.

"The one and only." He smirks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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