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"Uh-oh. Ben and Darius have their serious thinking faces on," Yasmina muttered humorously as she set down the cups of tea on the coffee table. Beside her, Sammy laughed.

"I can't believe I finally got these babies clean," Brooklynn exclaimed.

"Your shoes look exactly like they did before," Ben commented, earning an offended gesture and face from Brooklynn.

"I can tell they're cleaner," Sammy decided to flatter Brooklynn. Everybody took a seat, Yaz setting down on the one-person couch, with Sammy sitting down on the armrest. Brooklynn took up the space between Darius and Ben.

"So, what were you thinking about?" the trackstar asked Darius.

"We might have destroyed Mr. Kon's way to make dino control chips, but he's always one step ahead of us," Darius voiced his concerns. "We need a way to protect the dinosaurs from whatever he's got up his sleeves."

"But, apparently, disguises are off the table," Ben interjected, rolling his eyes. Darius had told him as such.

"Can't imagine why," Yaz retorted with sarcasm laced in her voice.

"This is so nice. All of us warm and cozy, sharing a cup of cocoa together. Too bad we can't do this for the dinos. It'd be a lot easier to keep 'em safe if they were all snuggled in one place."

Sammy's words sparked something in Darius. His mind went back to the watering hole on Isla Nublar. That was it.

"I have an idea, follow me."

He led the group out from behind the waterfall. The group now stood at the edge of the large natural pool of water that the waterfall poured into.

"What's the one place on Isla Nublar where all the dinosaurs got along?" he asked, as though it were a trivia question.

"The waterin' hole!" Sammy shouted out.

"Exactly," Darius confirmed to her.

"That's a great idea, Darius," Sammy complimented.

"Is there enough water, though?" Yasmina posed the question.

"That would be the problem," Darius conceded. The boy searched around as the others suggested ideas. None of which were very reasonable or likely to succeed. Darius began to walk along the water's edge until he noticed a drain.

"Look!" he pointed the drain out to everyone.

"A drain," Sammy chirped in wonder.

"If we can plug it up, this whole area will fill up with water," Brooklynn said. Exactly Darius's thinking.

"Hello, watering hole!" Yaz cheered, punching Ben playfully on the arm. A little too hard.

"Let's not celebrate yet," Darius waved away Yasmina's cheerfulness slightly. "We still gotta make sure it actually works."

"And we have no idea when Mr. Kon's coming back, so we have to act fast," Brooklynn added on.

"Right. So, what do we need? Uh... water and dinosaurs, yeah?" Darius asked aloud.

"Well, I got that second one covered," Ben stated. "Firecracker's my girl. And I can grab Pierce, too."

"I'll come," Yaz chirped. "We can swing by the Arctic and get Angel and Rebel while we're at it."

"Great. Then Brooklynn, Sammy, and I will plug the drain," Darius said. "That cool?"

"Of course!" Sammy assured. "I'm just honored to help you wonderful people."

Jurassic World- Camp Cretaceous: RetoldWhere stories live. Discover now