Sammy's Secret

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They were on the cusp of safety. So, so close to the main park. They'd escaped the Indominus, contacted Roxie and had planned to meet up in the main park. Everything was perfect. And then the phone slipped from Sammy's pocket, and everyone stared in shock. And then they crashed.

Noone died, but the van was busted. Everything went to rock bottom so quickly. Darius questioned if everyone was ok.

"Is everyone o..." Yasmina repeated, her voice making it clear she couldn't believe he'd just asked that. With a dry laugh full of frustration, the athlete stepped out of the vehicle. Sammy was the first to call for her, leaping out of the vehicle and giving chase.

"We're not ok! We're in the middle of a jungle with a monster dinosaur! And you..." she said, now angrily looking at Sammy, "you..."

"Destroyed our only way to get help and lied about it! I told you guys!" Brooklynn finished. Much more kindly than Yasmina would have. Her blood was boiling, heart shattered into millions of shards, stress levels through the roof. She was stuck in the same jungle as a rampaging dinosaur and now her best friend turned out to be a liar.

"So, you did take Brooklynn's phone? Why?! What were you doing?!" Darius said, taking a stand next to Brooklynn.

"Probably trying to erase my video of her taking those samples from the Sinoceratops," Brooklynn accused. She then gasped, her voice full of contempt as she walked towards Sammy.

"And you knew about the Indominus because you were snooping around Dr. Wu's lab when I ran into you. I knew it!" the influencer added on, getting all up in the Texan's face.

"I didn't mean to destroy the phone. I fell on it when the zipline came down!" she tried to defend her case.

"But you did steal it? You had it that whole time and you didn't tell us?" Ben asked. Sammy felt her entire world begin to collapse. Everyone seemed to be against her here.

"Hold up- what were you doing in Dr. Wu's office Brooklynn?" Darius asked, slightly confused.

"I..." the girl started. She looked down, face dropping again. She didn't need her peers to start turning on her. With one look at Sammy, she defensively said, "it doesn't matter. I didn't break our only way to call fot help and lie about it. This is not my fault! This is her fault!"

Sammy felt her head begin to spin. She couldn't keep lying. They had every right to be mad, every right to hate her. But she knew why she stole the phone. Maybe they'd understand. Unable to take all the heat coming her way, she eventually succumbed.

"I'm here to spy-" she spit out. Everyone went dead silent.

"For a company called Mantah Corp," she added on. Yasmina, still ahead of everyone, couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Mantah Corp?" Darius asked. He'd heard of them.

"They're a bio-engineering company. Big rivals with Masrani. They tried to make dinosaurs too, but Wu beat them to it," he explained to the group. Things started to make more sense, and they gave more validity to Sammy's story. But they didn't make anything better. She was still spying and broke Brooklynn's phone for it.

"You doomed us all for some lousy company?!" Ben shouted.

"Our ranch was in trouble, so my folks had to borrow a lotta money from some shady people. We didn't know they were frontin' for Mantah Corp. They said we'd lose everything unless I spied for them," Sammy clarified. She looked at Yasmina, hoping she'd understand. But the unimpressed look on the athlete's face told Sammy that the girl didn't understand.

"Use the behind the scenes access I'd get at Camp to gather info from Wu's lab and DNA from dinos and whatever else they needed," she continued. Noone said anything. She moved next to Brooklynn.

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