A Blast to the Past and a New Threat

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"Oh, my gosh, I can't believe it's really happening!" Sammy excitedly exclaimed. They'd managed to finally find a solution for the hole on the side of the yacht that would last them the trip to Costa Rica. And, they had refueled it.

"Buh-bye Isla Nublar!" Brooklynn taunted.

"We are out of here!" Yasmina added on.

"Hey- hold up guys," Darius said, "it says here we have to wait 48 hours for it to set."

Everyone groaned. Of course they had to stay two more days.

"They have to say that for insurance and junk. As your captain, I pronounse this vessel seaworth-" the seal fell the moment Kenji tapped on it, ruining the labor that had gone in. Now, they had to redo it again.

"Um, I-I've got some captainy stuff to do over there," the oldest teen nervously stated, "carry on."

Sammy couldn't bring herself to be annoyed. In fact, it took some effort to not laugh a little. Darius sighed.

"One more time," the boy said, holding out the seal to Brooklynn. Something then came to mind. The previous evening, Sammy had decided that rather than worry about what had come of her home and family, she was going to try and get to the bottom of everything. She walked over to Brooklynn and Darius, feeling bad about what she was going to do.

"Hey, can I talk to you a sec?" she asked the pink-haired girl.

"Uh, I'm kinda busy right now, but-"

"I need your help with something personal."

Almost immediately, Brooklynn turned away from the boat and towards Sammy,

"Spill everything," she said. Then, she placed her hands on Sammy's shoulders and walked her away. Sammy mouthed an apology as Darius gave them both a confused, and semi-annoyed look with a scoff. Yeah, she felt bad. But, maybe Yasmina or Ben or Kenji could help. Anyway, she and Brooklynn ended up on the steps leading down to the docks, where they each took a seat.

"So, I was thinkin'..." Sammy began nervously.

"Lemme guess!" Brooklynn interrupted. "You have a secret crush. Is it Darius? Kenji? Yaz?"

The social media star excitedly leaned in, and she leaned back. Darius was a sweet guy and he was definitely admirable, but... she could never see him as anything besides a little brother. A great one. As for Kenji, he was a funny and charming guy. But, again, not someone she was into romantically. Yaz, though, the mention of the track star in this context made her heart skip a beat. Because Brooklynn hit the target with that one.

But, that was something for later. Right now, she was trying to find a way to help her family.

"Uh- no... look, since we've got two more days on the island, I wanna try and figure out why Mantah Corp sent me here. Maybe, if I can find out what they're really up to, I can use that against them and-"

"Protect your family?" Brooklynn interrupted again. This time, she got it first time.

"Uh-huh! But-" she didn't get to finish her sentence.

"Say no more! Of course I'll help! It's gotta be related to E750," Brooklynn theorized.

"I've got some-"

"It was on Wu's computer, the keycard; that door on the monitors! It can't be a coincidence."

Sammy knew Brooklynn was the best possible partner for this sort of thing, with her inquisitive mind and experience in uncovering secrets. But, as someone who'd watched the Brooklynn Unboxes the World channel for years, and as someone who'd spent months around Brooklynn on a daily basis, she also knew Brooklynn tended to get ahead of herself. She was hopeful that the last few months might have helped that selfish, self-serving side of her fade away. But, it was back in full flow now.

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