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"You could have done the one thing I asked you to do." Darius sternly said, pointing an accusing finger at Kenji and giving him the most blaming look Yasmina had seen since Brooklynn and Sammy had their rift about the phone. "

"Then we could have made it to the boat," he continued. There was a venom in the youngest's voice.

"Well, I'm sorry I didn't anticipate the, scarier Franken-dino, my bad," Kenji responded.

"You said you had everything handled!" Darius shouted.

"I did. Until Ben of the Jungle ran off!" Kenji said, now swapping the blame to Ben.

"Hey! I didn't ask you to follow me. Besides, whether or not I was here, you could have packed more than your own bag and hair gel," Ben responded.

Yasmina felt her chest tighten up. She thought back to Ben's words. How they would never see one another again. How they were only a team for a little bit more. And now, seeing the way tensions were suddenly rising... it was hard not to believe his words more and more. No matter how much she wanted to not believe them... it seemed as though not believing them was delusional.

"That's not fair. He was worried about you, Ben." Yasmina stepped in to defend Kenji.

"Okay, okay. What's important right now is that we come up with a plan," Brooklynn spoke up. Everyone turned to Darius. He was silent for a good moment.

"While we wait for the storm to pass, let's do what we can to shore up the perimiter fence. Just in case," he suggested. Nobody objected. Darius felt bad for letting off on Kenji like that. In reality, he was only venting out his anger towards himself. Kenji just happened to not be perfect, so he was an easy target. And now, Darius couldn't let go of that anger.

"We could use some of the rubble to fortify the fence, maybe?" he heard Kenji offer from behind him. Darius was silent for a moment.

"Yeah, good idea," he said, although there was still an obvious anger in his voice. Everyone got set to work. Darius was placing some heavy pieces of wood when he heard foosteps approach. He could recognize them as Brooklynn's.

"Hey," she said, slightly hesitant from behind him.

"Yeah?" he replied, his voice low.

"What's wrong?" she asked him. Darius pondered. He figured if he could tell anyone, it was Brooklynn. But, would that be any good. He sighed, deciding he may as well let off something.

"It's just- all these months I've been trying everything to try and get you guys off this island- and... I wanted to keep you guys believing. But with the Scorpios loose, I just- I feel like I didn't do enough," he admitted. He kept it low, so that nobody else would hear. He felt Brooklynn's hand on his shoulder.

"You've done more than enough, Darius. We've all said it before, but... we wouldn't have lasted this long if not for you. When you say we've only survived this long because we know how the dinos should act, you're lying. We've only survived this long because you know how the dinos should act."

Darius stared at her, not sure what to say. He just gave her a small smile, which she returned instantly.

"And, about the Kenji thing... you'll work it out," she said.

"Wh- how- how did you-"

"I've been there, dude. It's easy to direct the anger you hold against yourself at somebody else. I've done it way too many times," she admitted.

"Yeah..." Darius muttered, "thanks, B."

"Anytime, Dino Nerd," the influencer replied with a grin before she turned and walked off. Darius watched, in awe.

Jurassic World- Camp Cretaceous: RetoldWhere stories live. Discover now