A Quick A/N before Season 2

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FINALLY done retelling Season 1. My favorite chapter was most definitely The Monorail. Writing out Ben's fall was super fun, and I live for that sort of angst. ANYWAY, with Season 1 out of the way, that means it's time for Season 2. I intended for Season 1 to be a very basic retelling, with not too much added or detracted from canon. With that now out of the way, Season 2 is gonna be a lot deeper, building up dynamics and getting started on developing some ships I have in mind (one canon, one not canon. HINT: I'm not a big fan of Brooklynn and Kenji).

Anyway, yeah. Season 2 will see some deeper exploration into how the campers feel, with more thoughts written out. There might be some differences, though, again, it will largely be similar to canon. Really looking forward to it (I'm gonna start on it immediately)

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