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Brooklynn waited with bated breath along with the others. Pierce and Big Eatie continued to exchange blows. And besides a brief pause, where things seemed to be bettering, they hadn't stopped. And Brooklynn couldn't help but fear the worst. Darius hadn't come into view yet. And, why would the fight continue if there was a period in which he had put a brief pause to it.

"There was a bunch of BRADs. We had to take cover," Kenji mouthed. Then it hit Brooklynn like a truck.

"We lost sight of Kash."

"That means he could be in there with Darius," Sammy voiced her worry. They kept waiting, hoping. Still, the fight between the dinosaurs didn't stop. For all they knew, Kash had gotten to Darius. And that could easily have gone terribly. Fatally, even.

It was a hard scene to watch. Especially when Pierce lodged one of his spikes into the thigh of Big Eatie, the Tyrannosaurus roaring in agony.

"What do we do? Pierce and Big Eatie are gonna kill each other," Sammy questioned everyone, panicked.

Brooklynn kept her eyes trained on the door, hoping for any sign of Darius. Until she felt everyone's eyes on her. Only then did she snap out of it, in time to hear buzzing above her. She looked up. It was another drone.

"The drones are forcing them together," she realized. "We need to knock 'em out of the sky so Pierce can get away."

And so, they split up. Without the leadership of Darius, she worried this might go wrong. But, the way everyone looked to her, she knew she had to fill those boots. She just hoped it was only this once. She picked up a stick, climing up a tree. There was a drone, right there. She scooched up the branch and swung. The thing moved out of the way in time, though, and she nearly slipped, if not for Kenji catching her before she did.

"Okay, we are not trying that again," he declared.

"Oh, yeah we are. We're just gonna be smarter about it," was her response. "Can you go up any higher?"

"Fine," Kenji said after a moment. "But don't fall."

The two climbed higher up the tree, to the next branch. When that didn't work, Kenji climbed onto the next, where, finally, he took a drone down.

"Yes!" he cherred, but the tree was shaken, and he nearly fell. Brooklynn saved him by pulling him onto her branch.

"Thanks," he said. The girl simply nodded. They climbed back down the tree, where they witnessed Yasmina take down another by throwing a rock at it. Then came the sight they feared. Big Eatie bit down on Pierce, and picked him up, throwing him a few feet back onto his side.

"Come on. Get up!" Brooklynn pleaded. It seemed all but over as Big Eatie loomed over the downed Kentrosaurus.

There were collective 'No's from the campers as Big Eatie moved to finish the job. But a drone stopped her. The others then joined in, forcing the T. rex back. They forced her onto a large metal platform, where to BRADs arrived and then knocked her out with that gas. Big Eatie fell with a loud thud.

The group sighed in relief.

"Wonder why he stopped them," Ben said. Brooklynn looked at the compound. She hoped it had been Darius who managed to do it. There was a chance he'd convinced Kash somehow, but that would still mean he was in the madman's clutches.

Minutes went by before Darius finally came back into view. Only, he was surrounded by two BRADs, being led somewhere by Kash.

"At least he's alive?" Sammy proposed some positivity.

"For now," Yasmina pointed out, bringing some reality into the mix. They followed Kash and Darius through the jungle. The man led Darius towards Big Eatie, who lay unconscious. They watched from a distance, until Darius, Kash, and Big Eatie began to sink into the ground. Whatever the platform was, it led beneath the surface.

Jurassic World- Camp Cretaceous: RetoldWhere stories live. Discover now