Camp Fam

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It'd been 3 days now since the whole ordeal with Tiff and Mitch. A lot had happened. It was only 2 days that the campers spent with the couple in Hap, but so much had happened since then. Ben was alive, Hap sacrificed himself, as Brooklynn told them, they'd found the a torn up rope. They could only imagine that Mitch had been attached to it when a carnivore took advantage of an easy snack. It was also disturbing that Tiff just left him and didn't seem to regret it at all. Now back at Camp Cretaceous 2.0, the campers no longer had luxurious thermal heated restrooms or large comfy beds, or cutlery, or fresh breakfast. But they had each other, and that was enough.

Despite everything that happened, they were a confident bunch at the moment, sure their escape from the island wasn't a lifetime away. For the time being, though, they decided to take a few days to relax a little. Darius found himself sat next to Ben on the sofa. It was still surreal to have Ben back. He was very different now, but he was still Ben.

"So, besides Tiff and Mitch, what else happened while I was... "dead"?" Ben asked curiously, popping a berry into his mouth.

"Well... we had a showdown with Toro the same night that you fell and we won, but we were still stuck. Then, uh, we rebuilt camp- oh! We spent a couple of days on Main Street looking for the emergency distress beacon, had to evade the T. rex to get to it, and did..."

"I found Dave's Demos too- oh, and I showed Dariusthe watering hole," Kenji barged into the conversation. The boy in question rolled his eyes.

"You did not. But uh, besides that, Brooklynn, Yaz and Sammy went on an adventure... and that's pretty much it," Darius told Ben.

"Huh... that all sounds cool," Ben mused. Darius frowned. Sure, Ben was back but... Darius still let him slip. The poor guy was alone with just Bumpy for weeks, probably thinking they were gone, that he was gonna die here and never see his family again. He felt an arm around his shoulder.

"Hey, don't go beating yourself up about what happened," Ben said, immediately knowing what was up. "I'm here, and, it wasn't all bad. I stopped being so scared, and dependent. Plus, not everyone is strong enough to wrestle a human being away from a dinosaur midair."

Darius smiled softly. To know Ben didn't hate or blame him for what happened was more comforting that he would've imagined. Adding to the good mood, he and Brooklynn were officially back on terms after their interpersonal fiasco. The girl in question was currently obsessed with something she saw while she was using the cameras to track Mitch and Tiff. A door with the label E750 on it. Darius would dismiss it normally, but after all that happened with Hap and Tiff and Mitch, he was inclined to believe her suspicions that Dr. Henry Wu was hiding something big. Besides, he created the Indominus. Who's to say he wouldn't do worse?


Sammy had tagged along with Yasmina for a jog through the jungle. The two were finally able to spend a good amount of time with each other after Yasmina escaped Tiff and Mitch while she and Darius remained with the two. Scary, scary times. She spent a good amount of the time wishing she could hear Yasmina's voice, feel a hug, or something. This girl was without a doubt her best friend ever. And she knew that feeling was mutual.

"Man, I missed this," said Yasmina. She looked as free as ever, running for the sake of running. Sammy couldn't help but smile. Of course, she was starting to tire. She was nowhere near Yaz in terms of athleticism. And Yasmina took notice, slowing to a walk.

"You don't have to slow down for me," Sammy said to her.

"I know, but I'd rather," responded the track star. Sammy felt her face heat up a little.

Jurassic World- Camp Cretaceous: RetoldWhere stories live. Discover now