Daddy Issues

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"Things are definitely getting next level weird," Brooklynn agreed as Darius voiced his confusion about the Ouranosauruses, as well as Compsognathuses that had suddenly vanished from the camp premises. They were officially adrift, as Kenji had put it. He'd cut the engine to save whatever energy was left.

"Yeah. 'Dinos never go bonkers at Jurassic World', said noone ever," Kenji remarked.

"It's more than that," Darius said, concern in his voice, "it's like the whole island's out of balance, somehow. But why?"

"Out of balance? What does that even mean?" Kenji questioned.

"I dunno... it just- feels like something's messed with the dinosaurs and how and where they live. Like, they all chose new territories because something scared them out of their old ones."

"Huh..." Brooklynn mused, her brain brewing an endless array of possibilities. If it has Darius concerned, it was definitely a lot deeper than just some territorial dinosaurs. And, her inquisitive nature was hard to ignore.


They still needed gas, and they needed to get the proper appliances to deal with the hole at the side of the ship. Luckily, Kenji happened to remember his dad's pent house, as well a dock nearby it. They'd been once before, but were locked out. But, since then, Brooklynn had gained that keycard, so being locked out was no issue. Kenji was certain it had all the things they'd need to make this attempt to get back to civilization 100% successful, because his dad was a huge nerd for nautical things.

They managed to get to the dock smoothly enough, and they also used some mechanical scooters to save their legs the pain of walking. They happened to come across what was clearly a carnivorous dinosaur, but Darius waved away their concerns. And, why not trust the dino nerd? Plus, the thing didn't make a move to attack them, so they all moved on. Seeing the penthouse building may have had the others in awe, but Kenji was... not too excited to be there.

It was a place of many arguments between him and his father. Kenji tended to whine about his dad dragging him back to this stupid island all the time, and his dad was pretty quick to call him an ungrateful son. Yeah, not the best memories. Still, it impressed the others, which made Kenji feel good. Plus, it was where they'd find everything to get out of here. They were up to the door of his father's penthouse. Unfortunately, the elevators were down, and going up 20 flights of stairs was no joke (unless you were Yaz, of course).

"How do we run from dinosaurs every day, and we're still this winded from taking the stairs?" Darius asked, exhausted and trying to capture air.

"Sorry, if the elevator was working, opens up right inside," Kenji replied, equally exhausted. He looked around the penthouse, and the gasp from Darius let Kenji know that he was impressed. Which was great, because it meant they'd like Kenji and appreciate him.

"Welcome friends, to Casa de Kenji! Who's up for the grand tour?" Kenji himself asked, standing like an entrepreneur in front of his friends. Everybody ran past him, giggling like children.

"Or there's the self tour, that, too," he murmured.


Kenji watched in amusement as Darius stared in awe at a gold replica of a Sinoceratops fossil.

"Pretty sweet, eh?" he asked, walking up to the youngest, and draping his arm over Darius's shoulder. "A gift from Masrani, I named it.... Horatio," he added.

"A replica of the 68-million year old Sinoceratops discovered in Southern China!" Darius exclaimed, making some excited squeal as he savored the sight.

Jurassic World- Camp Cretaceous: RetoldWhere stories live. Discover now