Last Push

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  The landing was harsh, the 5 remaining campers rolling down the hill. Kenji, Yasmina, Sammy, and Darius all smacked into trees. Brooklynn collided with the far softer form of Darius. Darius picked himself up, having to get Brooklynn off to do so. He looked around worriedly.

  "Is everyone alright?" he asked. It was a relatively stupid question, but he hoped they got what he meant.

  "Ish..." Brooklynn said, lifting her head up. She looked at Darius with concern.

  "Are you?" she asked. Before he could respond, Darius heard Kenji calling for Bumpy. He worried, hoping the baby Ankylosaurus hadn't gotten lost... or worse. Brooklynn had to shush him.

  "There are still dinosaurs out here, including Toro and-"

  "BUMPY!" Kenji called again, completely ignoring Brooklynn's warning. Sammy was quick to side with the oldest of the group.

  "We have to look for her, don't we? And Ben! He might still be-" before she could finish her sentence, Yasmina cut her off.

  "How? We don't even know where they are," she said, refusing to get her hopes up. It hurt enough as it was. To feed into the hope they were alive, just to find remains? That would crush her. She collapsed, her ankle hurting badly again.

  "Attention! All park-goers must report to the south ferry docks for immediate evacuation! Last ferry departs in 60 minutes!" came the announcement from a distance.

  "No way we could get there in an hour, it's too far," Yasmina conceded.

  "Not if we leave right now!" Brooklynn said.

  "But Bumpy- and Ben!" Sammy said. She didn't want to give up on them.

  "We can't go back for Ben!" Brooklynn shouted. Sammy fell silent. The influencer spoke again after a moment.

  "Ben's... gone," she said. The reminder of that fact struck everyone. When they saw him fall, it was a blur. They could scarcely remember it. The fact could now sink in. The group stood in silence, grieving their loss. None moreso than Darius. He looked down at his arm. The arm he could have- should have- saved Ben with. But he didn't. He let him go. He let Ben die.

  "There's just not enough time to look for..." Darius told the others, but he just couldn't bring himself to say Ben's name, "we can make it to the ferry. But only if we go now." He had to at least try and reassure the others. To at least get them back home safe. That would calm the self-loathing voices in his brain down a little.

  "Last ferry departs in 60 minutes!" the announcement came from the distance again. Darius looked down at his hands. He could still feel Ben's skin. He had to hold a yell of self-hatred in. He sighed.

  "We have to go." He spun around and ran. Yasmina followed quickly. Then Sammy. Then Brooklynn. Kenji lingered, staring into the jungle before taking off after everyone else. Yasmina began to fall behind as everyone sprinted with all they had. She cursed herself. Why? Why did they have to end up with the stupid Mosasaurus? Why did the jump have to be so big?

  Sammy turned around, noticing the other girl's struggles. Eventually, the athlete collapsed. Brooklynn called the attention of Darius and Kenji, who were ahead of everyone else. Sammy and Brooklynn rushed over to her side.

  "Are you alright?" Sammy asked, worry more than clear in her voice. Yasmina rejected her attempt at helping her up. She took Brooklynn's hand and the pink-haired girl looked to pick her up. As she got up, Yasmina placed a delicate finger on her toe. The pain was an instant fire. She groaned and yanked her finger away, holding her shin.

Jurassic World- Camp Cretaceous: RetoldWhere stories live. Discover now