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At night Kaitou was looking at the moon as he felt like a heaviness got shredded from his he finally chose to love...but it wasn't on his hand...he fell for was like happened itself...

He sat on the window pane as he looked out...the moonlight fell on it has also fell in love with him.

"Can't sleep?”

He turned around finding Shiho standing there...

"Hmm...kind of.”

"Are you sick or what?”
Shiho said as she came forward and put her hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

"I'm fine...”


"I mother..” he teared up.
Seeing that Shiho hugged him as he sobbed in her embrace like a kid.

"Ssshh... don't cry... they're looking at you Kaitou you think they'll be happy if they see you crying...stop it.. your a good boy....” she patted him...

"Thanks... no one has ever taken care of me like this other than Ji..”


"Do you wanna go out?”
He asked.

"But how about you... aren't you sad?”
She asked as he smiled..

"Not anymore...”

He put on his Thief kid's attire and put on his glider as he kept outside the window and took Shiho...

"Where are we going?”

"Well... you'll see...”
He said...

They were soaring across the sky...but soon they travelled between the clouds and reached the place....

It was someone's grave?

They came down on the ground as Kaitou said.

"Its my father's grave...”
He said sadly..

Shiho patted his back as she kneeled down and prayed...

"Oji san... I'm Shiho Miyano... I want to thank you to bring someone like Kaitou kun in this world.... believe me he's a very good guy.... he's very you can be assured that he'll be doing fine...and he's not alone... I'll take care of him...”
Shiho prayed as Kaitou smiled.

"You'll take care of me?”

"Certainly yes..”

Suddenly Kaitou's ear pods vibrated...


"Young master.... I got the location of Pandora..”
Someone said.

"Really?... where's it Ji?”
He said.

"Beside old master's grave you'll see a Sakura tree...there you'll find it...but..master some members of that organisation got to know that...and I guess they'll be there in any minute...” he said.

"Don't worry... I'm here only...”

As they got disconnected Shiho looked at him as Kaitou said.

"Will you come?”

"Yes obviously..”

They went near that Sakura tree where he started removing the soil...
After few minutes he found a box...

As Kaitou opened the box...he found Pandora there...yes it was there... bright red..but not fully was crimson....and he also found a picture of him with his parents and a note there...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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