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"You really want to leave with him?”
Tantei san asked pointing towards Kaitou kun who was looking towards the dark ocean....his back was facing us... I guess he was waiting for me..

I rolled my eyes as I gave a stern reply to tantei san.

" That's none of your business tantei san... you're not my dad to tell me what to go enjoy and let me stay in my way in peace....”

"He'll hurt you Shiho san... he's known for breaking hearts... don't get attached to him so much....”

He I looked at Kazuha to help me out of this mess.... luckily Sonoko arrived at the perfect time dragging Tantei san and Mouri the ball..

I bid goodbye to Heiji and Kazuha as I went to the staff of the cruise pleading him to give me antiseptic ointment and bandaid... I rushed to the deck finding Kaitou kun still standing there...

As I was taking each steps towards him tantei san's words popped out in my mind... about Kaitou kun breaking hearts, hurting lots of girls...but I don't care... I wasn't thinking about him like that way... isn't it....

I shrugged my confusions and went to him.

I gently put my hands on his face making him face towards me....his lips were bleeding...his cheeks were reddened due to the punch...
I started applying ointment and put the bandaid gently as a year escaped from my eye..

I was looking at the ocean as I felt someone made me turn at him or was Shiho...she checked on me...she checked on my bruises and put ointment on it...she caressed my cheeks as I felt a tickle in my heart....what was that ...

She looked worried as she treated my bruises and I looked at her like I haven't seen her before... suddenly a tear escaped from her eye...and I felt hesitant...

"Shiho san I-

" what ....are you crazy Kaitou literally got into a fight with tantei san just because of defending could have defended yourself from his punches....why did you took it all on you....?? Why ?? Can't you think of yourself a bit.... can't you take care of yourself??”

She made me awestruck...nobody has ever got worried about me other than Ji...but it was different...this was the first time a girl got worried...even when I was with Aoko she didn't care about me...and my wounds.. but Shiho san was literally mad at me as I didn't defend myself.

" Look Kid sama.... I'm warning you...if you ever get yourself into ugly fight... I'll make sure that you won't able to fly...”

She was so cute...she didn't even thought before telling anything... I tried to tease her a bit..

" Like how you're gonna make sure.. I won't be able to fly?”
I smirked as she pulled my ears..

"I'll tie you up and lock you in your room or I'll let you take a sleeping potion so that you won't wake up.”

It was cute....the small fight between us was cute...she was acting like a possessive girlfriend...but why was she doing so..

As I was thinking she hold my hands and

"Look Kaitou san... I don't want you to get hurt because of me..”

She said as I looked at her in shock...

" Let's go?”
She added as I snapped out of my thoughts...

" Oh ..yes... let's go...”

I opened my glider and picked her before flying.

"Hold on me tight m'lady.... it's going to be a lot of fun...”

She opened her shoes and hold on my tightly with her thin hands...

I leaped forward and jumped of the deck with her as I saw everyone was shouting seeing me... screaming my name as I took her away we flew...she raised her hand downwards ruffling the waves of the ocean as I hold her tightly so that she won't fall ....she was enjoying it...

She was looking like the water goddess...the waves also played with her as she put her hands in the water... suddenly she sprinkled water on me as she laughed out...

I somehow made me distracted and I was about to drop her in water....

But I hold her quickly and carefully now ..but I'm sure she got frightened a bit.
She hugged me tightly apologizing I laughed and flew away with her towards the port.

I couldn't believe Shiho left with the Thief what happened to her....she behaved a bit different...she chose to go with the kid rather than staying with me...she rather liked the kid's protection than mine...

As that kid picked her up and jumped of the deck I saw people screaming... seeing their one and only Thief kid.... Sonoko was also screaming as I could see she was pissed of to see Shiho with him... Not like she was in love with him but she always claimed hum as hers....just like spoiled daddy's girl do...but I was more tensed about Shiho....Though Gin and Vodka was arrested and the black organisation was uprooted.... Vermouth was still free....she could track her down and harm her.

"Why can't you understand.... I was telling for your good only...”

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