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The whole kingdom was glowing with the happiness and news of the king getting married everyone was very happy for them atleast they trusted and loved thier new ruler

The shops were open for longer hours at night and people celebrated on streets with musics and plays

"Why are we here?" Taehyung asked annoyed as another person bumped into him he had never been out like this people did not know them when they are dressed as normal people and they kept pushing past them..

"I need to do something" Suga said Taehyung followed closely behind him
"Why are we dressed like this then?" Taehyung asked Suga did not answer he was too focused on something else..

"Here!" Suga said as Taehyung face turned red from embarrassment why are we in flower street if someone saw them..they would...they would

"Why are we here?!" Taehyung grabbed suga's wrist tightly stopping him from entering...

"Words" Suga said Taehyung face paled he can't even enter..that place...
His family they would..

"Not entering" Taehyung said holding suga's wrist tightly letting him also not enter

"We have to! There is something really important I need to find!" Suga whispered into Taehyung ear dragging him inside

"Oh my you look new here" a girl said wrapping her hand around Taehyung arm smiling at him seductively

Taehyung paled..

"I..i am looking for my friend" Taehyung getting away from her Suga was about to be approached by other people but one cold look from him was enough to keep the women away from him...

"We should leave now!" Taehyung whispered as Suga reached to the main lady there..

"Is elli here?" Suga asked for her as the lady looked at them they looked like they can't pay so she didn't paid much attention to them

Suga knew exactly how to make her speak he put a small bag of coins as the women looked at it with greed shining in her eyes a big smile was on her face as she quickly grabbed it checking the coins

"Yes yes..she is my lord" she begin her flattery Taehyung was having a hard time not to puke with that smell in the air..and that women..

"Take me to her" Suga said as the women looked behind him looking at Taehyung
"Should I arrange someone for you as well?"

"No!" Taehyung said as he looked at Suga
"He will be with me" Suga said the women blushed..

"So both of you will..."
Suga who did not understand what she meant didn't thought

"This room is not bad..." Taehyung said looking around the room there was a big bed some table and some tea

"My lord?" A women entered the room she was very preety wearing a light colour dress she had long hair and preety brown eyes

"Are you ellis?" Suga asked her as she looked at him suprised it not everyday someone remember thier names..

"Y-yes" she asked worried as she noticed Taehyung as well

"Don't worry we just need to know few things and we will leave" Suga said with small smile she closed the door behind her and came inside

After a while they left the place after giving her some money

The next day

"What is this?" Suga's father was trying to yell at him while Suga was focused on eating Taehyung was standing beside Aron quietly not saying a word.

"What happened?" His mother asked her husband she had never seen his husband getting angry..

"Do you know what I heard?" He asked his wife...

"What?" She asked him

"What were you doing on flower street?" Suga's father asked him as mother looked at him worried hearing it

"I went there to get some information" Suga said Taehyung behind him was worried but he didn't knew what to say..

"Do you even know what that place is for??" His father said he was getting anxious for his son and things he has been doing.

"I know" Suga said getting up
"We will talk on this later I have something very important to do" Suga said as he left

At the evening Suga along with other ministers was invited to the palace there was alot of work alot of invitations were to be sent out for the wedding ceremony

Suga didn't liked this that he has to be here the smell of roses..remind him of..
Jimin through out the discussion he ignored him he told what was to be said..and for few days they were asked to stay at the palace for the things to be done coming back and forth was to troubling

Everyone was happy except him..
Suga knew he would leave as soon as he was done here

At night everyone was taken for dinner
Jimin's father was suprised to see Jimin join them for the dinner something he really don't do

Suga sat beside his father he was getting tired of thier talk they talk way too much Suga quickly age few bites and left

"I will leave first.." Suga said and left quickly towards the room as the few men snickered

"Your son must be so tired afterall he is very occupied visiting places like flower street" a guy said making few other laugh with him as suga's father frowned

Jimin eyes narrowed at thier words when they realised Jimin wasn't liking it they quietly shut thier mouth after a few minutes Jimin too left

Suga went to his room locking it as he laid down on the bed closing his eyes
"So tired.." he said closing his eyes

Suga didn't realised when he fell asleep the person looked at him from the edge of the bed there was no love just anger in his eyes he quietly approach the person on the bed his breath change as he inched closer and closer the emotions changing from the anger to the complicated ones..

"Flower street?"
"Aren't I letting you too free?"
Jimin traced those tender cheeks with hands as his thumb touched those dew like lips urging him closer and closer...

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