chapter 24

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Suga was scared to go out from the manor he was scared of the words that he heard from Jimin he didn't wanted that to happen..but he also didn't knew what he wanted.

"How long do you plan to be likes this?" Taehyung asked siting next to him on the bed worried.

"I..i don't know what to do anymore.." Suga whispered looking at him.
"It's my fault..right" Taehyung said he was almost about to cry as Suga looked at him startled.

"No! It's not your fault at all!" Suga quickly said but Taehyung was already sobbing as Suga looked at him worried.

"Believe me it isn' just" Suga explained his worries to Taehyung and also what happened that day.

Taehyung was left not only confused he was also speechless.

"H..he said what?!" Taehyung stood up from the bed suprised
"The vampire king got jealous and now wants you to be his feeder??" Taehyung asked deep in thoughts

"Jealous?...he isn't jealous at all..why would he be jealous it's-its not like he feels anything for me.." Suga said there was a faint red on his cheek which Taehyung did noticed.

"Really? But then why was he acting so possesive if it's for your blood why does it matter so much to him if someone else touch you?" The more Taehyung said the more suga's cheeks turn red his eyes held a tiny shine his lips slightly trembling as if he was thinking of something.

" think so..?

Suga asked him looking at his eyes looked slightly hopeful Taehyung felt bad as Suga doesn't even realised how he was falling for Jimin.

"Or maybe he is born as a royalty and doesn't like when someone claim something that belongs to him you know vampire like that tend to be very possesive from thier heritage" Taehyung said just to see Suga's reaction

The shine disappeared in an instant from his eyes his whole face looked so hurt and disappointed his fingers curled up on the sheet

"Yeah..." Suga said looking at his knees making Taehyung a bit surprised with such instant change.

"It could be the first one though" Taehyung tried but Suga was already lost that Taehyung had to shake his shoulder to get his attention

"Don't think too much" Taehyung said he started talking about some work related stuff which caught suga's attention it sounded very serious.

"I get that I will get ready this matter cannot be delayed" Suga got up from his bed he was siting for a long time his feets were a bit shaky

Taehyung was standing near the edge so he quickly grabbed him when the door opened suga's mother had walked in to check on him.

"A..uh did I come on the wrong time?" She asked startled as Suga eyes widened he realised they were standing in the most inappropriate way

"No...I just slipped" Suga said pulling away but that just sounded like a dull excuse

"Are you finally leaving the room?" His mother asked as she saw Suga getting ready

"Yeah there is some work" Suga said walking around his room

"Okay" his mother said smiling a bit as she looked at Taehyung with thankful gaze who just smiled back

Suga arrived at the base as Taehyung left for other work he needed to get done
"Call Aron" Suga asked the guys following closely behind him.


"Finally decided to come?" Aron asked with a glare but Suga just looked away walking forward with the heavy steps
Aron followed behind him feeling grateful in his heart to see him

"Did all this piled up in my absence?" Suga looked at the stacks of paper
"Who were you expecting to do this for you?" Aron asked sarcastically.

"No one" Suga said siting down
"I heard that the new batch of slaves are too young they are almost kids and they have already been sent for trainning?" Suga asked not looking up from the papers

"Yes" aron said

"Who sent them?" Suga asked with grittered teeth.

"Jeon Jungkook" Aron said as Suga closed his eyes for a moment he stood up from his chair and walked out

"Where are you going?" Aron asked as he followed after Suga Aron could sense the Anger in him

"To Jungkook" Suga said through grittered teeth.

"Where is he?!" Suga yelled as the frightened maid drop the tray she was holding making a loud sound.

"My lord..?" The butler looked at them with hesitation and confusion

"Where is Jeon Jungkook!" Suga demanded as at the same time Jungkook came downstairs there were some important officials around him who looked surprised to see Suga there.

"Oh you are finally here I was getting tired of waiting" Jungkook said as Suga glared at him.

"We need to talk" Suga said as Jungkook nodded waking towards him in hurried steps making the others confused.

"Yeah I know I know" Jungkook said as he stood very close to Suga making aron who was behind frown slightly.

"What are doing?" Suga whispered yelled at him.
"Whatever it is keep your mouth shut until they leave" Jungkook warned him as he grabbed tightly both his shoulder Suga looked behind Jungkook and bite his tongue to be quiet

After a while when they left Jungkook took a breath and glared at Suga
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Suga said as he grabbed Jungkook collar with rage!

"If it is about those kids I did not send them I dare not to!" Jungkook said as he brushed off suga's hand making aron frown as he tried to step forward but didn't

"Oh really?" Suga asked with a look that made Jungkook more angry he has been very tensed with things that are happening around him

"It was the king..go ask him" Jungkook almost said that in whisper he didn't wanted to argue

"What..?" Suga asked surprised
"I know that he isn't responsible for these stuff but who am I to ask him?" Jungkook said

"I..before Suga could say something he felt the things around him moving
"What now that it is him are you lost for words?" Jungkook asked
Suga blinked to see but he felt more weird as everything felt pitch black

"My lord!" Aron yelled as he grabbed Suga who fall down Jungkook eyes widened in suprised

"Get the doctor" Jungkook yelled worried
He was about to pick him but Aron had already picked him putting him on the sofa taking in his breath..

"What happened to him?" Jungkook asked Aron.
"I don't know" Aron said he was too worried to focus on anything else
Soon the doctor arrived he checked Suga there was intense silence in the room

After a while he finally spoke
"He must be very stressed and haven't been eating properly" the doctor got and gave a list of medicines to Aron and asked him to look after him

"I will" Aron said as one of the maid escorted the doctor out..
"Let him stay here I will make the call to his father" Jungkook said as he got up.

"Why?" Aron asked
"I don't want anyone making things about him fainting or getting injured at my house it will be a big trouble beside for him too it would not be good" Jungkook said

"Take him to the room to rest" he said to Aron who nodded and took Suga

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