chapter 19

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Suga had a very tiring week Jimin called him again and again had his blood then asked him to leave not even making eye contact with him..he looked very tired.

Suga felt annoyed as he sat down on his bed, "why is he being like this?" He said softly.

Suga fall asleep when he was woken by the knock on the door it was his mother.
"Come down for dinner" his mother said.

"Y-yeah" Suga was suprised as he looked out of the window it was already long did he slept? I must be tired.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung asked he noticed how weird Suga was behaving never before had he seems so much work piled up in front of Suga.

"N-nothing" Suga muttered he didn't even glance at those papers.
"Can you look over these?" Taehyung handed him the paper as Suga focused himself on work.

Taehyung sat infront of him helping him
"So..your dad asked me something the other day" Taehyung said as Suga looked at him.

"What?' Suga asked.
"He was wondering that..umm why are you being summoned to the palace so often? If there is any problem you know you can tell us" Taehyung said worried Suga forze his eyes blinked twice as he slowly looked towards Taehyung.

"'s nothing just some changes in the base that need changed" Suga whispered the last part.

"I see...the king must be very careful to even look after such a small thing by himself" Taehyung said.

"I don't know" Suga said looking away flustered his cheeks were red.

There was an offical royal feast today evening Suga didn't knew why his heart was beating so fast at the thought of seeing Jimin..

"How long?" His mother asked him knocking on the door, "y-yeah I will be down there" Suga said.

Suga's mom went downstairs giggling his father still blushed at the sight of his wife looking so beautiful.

"Darling...marry me look so beautiful" suga's father said Aron stood quietly.

"Y-you..what are you saying?!" She blushed hard.

"Only truth love" he said kissing her cheeks as Aron looked at the wall intensely staring at it.

"Suga is always the first waiting for us..why is he taking so long today?" His dad asked as his mom giggled.

"Boys tend to do that when they find someone they like..he must be dressing up" his mother said.

"Seriously?" His dad said frowning.
"But my baby is too young!" His dad said.

"Honey relax"  she laughed at her husband childish behaviour.
"Here" Suga said getting down the stairs he looked really beautiful in the black outfit.

"You look beautiful" his mother said and his father smiled at him.
"Mom you look so gorgeous.." Suga said both the father and son started showering her with praise.

"Let's leave" Aron reminded them as they all nodded his parents walked forward Suga followed with Aron next to him.

"You look handsome" Suga whispered to Aron who looked at him and nodded holding back a painful smile.

"You too.." he whispered as Aron looked ahead..

"And that's the third one" Taehyung pouted next to Suga who was leaning against the wall.

"What are you doing?" Suga asked him sipping on the wine he felt very sad..he didn't knew that he wouldn't even get a glimpse of Jimin as people were crowded around him and Victoria.

"That's the third girl he refused for dance..what does he even think of himself?" Taehyung pouted.

"He shouldn't break young hearts" Taehyung muttered as Suga's eyes followed Taehyung as he saw Aron talking with a lady in a very elegant dress she was very beautiful seems like a young lady from a good manor.

"Why does he refuse them?" Taehyung asked him,
"How would I know?" Suga said he too was curious.

"He had been with you since you were born" Taehyung said rolling his eyes,
"Do you think there is someone he already liked?" Taehyung said with shining eyes.

"No, I never saw him showing any interest in anyone" Suga said frowning.
"It must be!" Taehyung protested.
"A secret romance so exciting" Taehyung said.

"Don't let Aron hear you" Suga warned him as Taehyung smirked.
"Who could it be...I wonder" Taehyung said as Suga eyes still look around the crowd..for a familiar face.

"Jungkook didn't came?" Suga asked Taehyung suddenly finding the ball very quiet without Jungkook's presence.

That also explains why Taehyung was by his side.

"He is not in the kingdom" Taehyung said as Suga nodded.

Suga was busy talking to Taehyung when he felt an intense gaze only to see Victoria glaring at him.

"Why is she glaring at you?" Taehyung asked shivering.
"I..don't know..I have never even spoke to her" Suga said frowning.

"If looks could kill half the people here would be six feets under" Taehyung said.

Suga was suprised when his vision was blocked by Aron who stood in front of him blocking Victoria's intense gaze.

"Let's dance" Aron asked his gaze were intense and he looked very handsome in that outfit Suga gulp.

"I..i" Suga didn't knew what he should say..
Aron grabbed suga's hand as Taehyung happily snatch the wine glass from suga's hand giggling.

"Have fun" Taehyung cheered.

Suga felt a tight feeling in gut when he remembered about Jimin's warning..he looked around nervously.

Aron grabbed his waist tightly bringing him back from his thoughts.
"Focus on me" Aron whispered into his ear making him startled.

He had never been this close to him..aron had never talked to him like that.

Aron had a strong smell of wood and the scent of something else Suga didn't knew but it smelled very good.

"You are too stiff" Aron said Suga gulped at closeness Aron deep voice made him feel weird.

"I thought you don't dance" Suga asked.
"I don't" Aron said as Suga looked at him confused.

Aron pulled Suga closer holding his waist gently with dance steps that looked very elegant Suga was aware about the people watching him.

"Don't see" Suga muttered to himself.

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