Chapter 1

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Author's note
Nothing belongs to me except the plot of the story not the character, nothing.

"wake up Suga!" His mother yelled at her son who snuggled in his blankets.
"One more minute.." Suga groaned.
"Weren't you planning on training the new batch of slaves?" His mother inquire with a raised eyebrow as she literally saw the bed sheet fly in the air Suga got up hurried.

" why did you not wake me up earlier?" Suga question his mother who narrowed her eyes at him making him gulp.
"Got it, sorry mom" Suga said rushing inside the bathroom.

His mother looked at her son who was trying to put two pancake in his mouth at the same time, to save time making her laugh...she was so glad..he was not one of them..he was not a slave..she felt very proud of it.

"Bye mom!" Suga said as he quickly left
"Good morning sir" Aron greeted him as Suga replaced his expressions with a serious one.

"Certainly" Suga said sternly as he prepared himself for the worst part of the day already.

"Open the door" Suga commanded as Aron nodded he lifted the Handel revealing a dark dungeon like place it smelled very bad it was wet with slight moisture in the air, green algae tainted the walls with overgrown wines.

There was a big Iron cage in the middle filled with people in rags they looked very thin and weak thier bones looked very apparent their arms and legs were shackles with a collar around thier neck a mark of thier slavery.

Suga took in a breath even though it was not the first time but he could never get used to it..they were humans like him..the only difference between them was his family status that saved him from being in that cage.

The prisoners aka humans were escorted out they are to be divided into two groups one of being "feeders or blood slaves" as the vampires call it others to send for militry and other chores of the palace Of they could be lucky enough to catch the eye of a nobal then thier lives could also take huge turn.

Suga was a high ranking lord that looked after the militry work in his dad absence and was often appointed to choose the humans that are captured or enslaved by the vampires.

"Pick number 8,7, 11, 0, 24" Suga listed as Aron who is a vampire and suga's second in command nodded.

As Suga was about to leave he was suddenly grabbed by someone it was a small girl whimpering her eyes shone with crystal tears as she begged.

" me please! Save me!" She begged but she was only dragged away by the other soldiers stationed there.

"Shameless dare to touch the lord!" A soldier said slapping the poor girl making her fall on the ground as Suga heart ached.

He was about to intervened when Aron gave him a look not to Aron was close and very loyal to suga's father after all it was still a world dominated by vampires there are people who can fall out of grace and Suga didn't mean it to happen to his family because of him so he could just clutch his hand taking a deep breath as he took the rest of those selected slaves with him.

"I am your commander who is responsible for training you, don't worry you will be feed and paid as well" Suga stated as the slaves who was around his age looked at him in fear and curosity.

"Can we go home?" One of them asked as Suga bite his lips.
"Aron will show you around don't break any rules
Follow all the rules
Don't offend people you are not suppose to
And behave!" Suga commanded and left.

He finally left from the base..this time was just like before why doesn't it ever get easy?

Suga went back to his house as he head to his study to look over the document of the newly arrived batch of the slave.

"You look so stiff I almost mistook you for a tree!" Taehyung said entering suga's study siting on the table as he looked at the laod of papers.

'come on practice with me!" Taehyung said looking at Suga who frowned
"Wait..a bit I have some work" Suga said to Taehyung who was suga's friend and also his annoying ass aka useless commander in chief assistant.

"You always drown yourself in those papers spare me some time as well" Taehyung whined as Suga glared at Taehyung who got off the table frightened.

"Well..I think you should focus on those paper..they more important you are already the most powerful fighter, don't need training at all" Taehyung said as he ran away from suga's study.

"Why so scary.." Taeyung pouted.
"Taeyung ah I prepared some cookies for you!" Suga's mother called as Taehyungs eyes twinkle, he dash to the kitchen where a plate of cookies and milk was placed.

"Thanks mrs Min" Taeyung as he munched the cookies happily.
"It is only lacking one thing" Taehyung said as Suga's mother listened to him carefully.
"What is it I will not forget it next time" she asked taking out a small note pad from the drawer.

"Some blood of course to make it more sweet and delicious" Taehyung said as the pen dropped from her hand.
"Oh..uh I see" she said awkwardly.

Suga was busy in some work when his mother entered with some cookies and milk for him,
"Did he left?" Suga asked his mother who smiled.
"Yeah" she said.

"Don't stress yourself" his mother said to him putting the tray of cookies on the table.
"I will have to go and see the growth of new batch tomorrow and train them.." Suga said as his mother nodded.

Suga looked at the photo of his dad on his study wall..he wanted to be just like him..He took care of people around him and protect him and his mom.

The next day

Suga got up early and got dressed he had too much work today as he went down his mother smiled at him.

"Mom!" Suga smiled as she asked him to sit down and eat.
"Honey come home soon your dad would be returning today!" Her mother seems really happy about it Suga could see it in her face as he nodded.

"Will try mom!" He said as his mother frowned.
"Guess Then I will just have to share the apple pie with your dad" his mother as Suga paused.
"You are making apple pie?" Suga asked as she nodded.
"No worried you are one second late and your father and I could enjoy our date with the pie" she said.

"No no I will be right back!" Suga said.
He quickly left for the palace training ground where the new soldiers were being trained.

"My lord" Aron who was incharge there immediately greeted him earning a nod from Suga.

"How are they?" Suga asked as Aron frown slightly.
" humans are" Aron said earning a glare from Suga.
"You said something?' Suga asked him his voice pierced the air with hostility as Aron bowed deep.
"My apologises lord, they are malnourished and before we can even start to train them they first need to be restore back to health as you see compare to us vampires they are afterall merely humans" Aron said coldly.

"Then what are you waiting for get it arranged I need them back in health in a week" Suga said as Aron left quickly.

He had some meetings during the afternoon with some ministers in his dad absence by the time it was done the sky was already pitch black.

"Mom would kill me, my apple pie..." Suga sobbed.

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